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   A storm raged outside the castle as Alex and I cooked in the kitchen. Correction, Alex was attempting to teach me how to cook. Attempting being the key word. I had nearly burnt the kitchen down at least three times now.
   "No, Riles! Twelve minutes at three-fifty, not twelve seconds at seven hundred!" Alex scolded.
   "But Al! Why not?" I asked. Alex face palmed.
   Thunder rolled outside. I jumped.
   "I hate loud noises," I muttered. Alex chuckled.
   "Yeah, I know," Alex stated. "Okay, so back to the pizza cooking lessons." We continued with the lesson as Alex slowly got the fact that I couldn't cook something for less time at a higher temperature.
   We had just put the pizza in when the lights flickered.
   "Uh...." I said as I looked around the room. "So, do we have to reset the timer now?" I turned to look at Alex, who was also glancing at the ceiling lights. She shook her head.
   "Y-yeah. We've got to reset it," Alex said, shaking out of her trance. She reached to reset it when the lights flickered again. We glanced at each other, Alex's hand hovering over the oven settings. Thunder rolled. Then everything went dark.
   I let out a shriek. I absolutely hated the dark! I had a light in my room for the night. It wasn't necessarily that I was scared of the dark, no. On the contrary, I was scared of what was in the dark
   "Al?" I questioned. I refrained from turning on my built in lighting system. I knew that would definitely give me away.
   "I'm here," she said softly, almost a whisper. I reached my hand out and began slowly walking toward Al's voice.
   "Say something else," I said as I shuffled my feet.
   "I'm totally not scared right now," she responded through the darkness. I, obviously, couldn't tell currently, but I got this feeling Alex was blushing with embarrassment. I'd known for a while Al didn't like the dark, so I wouldn't judge.
   "Okay, I'm almost to you, I think," I said. "Reach out our hands toward me."
   "You're taking an awfully long time to get over here," Alex said. She reached out her arms, or I assumed she did because I heard her jacket rustling. My hands ran into hers. I then rushed her in a hug.
   "Dude, I'm scared," I whispered.
   "Same," Al agreed.
   "What do we do?" I inquired.
   "I don't know. Wait? Try to go to our rooms and get our helmets or lights? Why are you asking me?" Alex asked rapid-fire.
   "'Cause you're te black paladin. You're the team leader," I responded in the darkness.
   "I don't have all the answers, you know," Alex said deadpan.
  "Yeah, I jut like to think you do," I said. I ran a few calculations through my system. "If we want to stay as safe as possible, I suggest we sit down, stay together, and wait until either someone comes to get us or a snack or until the power comes back on," I suggested.
   "Sounds like a plan!" Alex said. Together, still holding each other, we sank to the floor. We waited for what felt like hours. Eventually, noises reached our ears.
   "Did you hear that?" I questioned. There wasn't a response. I figured Alex either shook or nodded her head, then relized I couldn't see it.
   "Yeah," she answered. "What do you think it was?" she questioned, her voice dropping to a whisper.
   "Not sure. Do you have you're dagger or bayard?" I asked, matching her volume. No response again.
   "Oh, yeah," Alex said. "I keep forgetting you're not wearing you're helmet, and the fact that you can't see in the dark," she added after a moment.
   "I don't have my bayard, so I'm not very useful in this situation," I stated.
   "I've got my dagger, but not my bayard.  That's back in my room," Alex said. We dropped our arms and slowly stood up, feeling the oven and cabinets to help us know where we were. I heard Alex pull out her dagger. Apparently the approaching footsteps didn't hear it, because they kept advancing.
   The footsteps stopped at the doorway. Alex and I stood still as statues, not daring to move or hardly breathe. A familiar voice started to sing the Jaws theme song. Out of fear, I jumped onto the counter behind me. I heard Alex do the same. The footsteps began again, stepping closer and closer.
   "Aaaaaalex. Riiiiley," a different voice said as the Haws theme continued. Alex threw her knife. It nailed a wall. A girlish shriek came out of both of the voices.
   Alex cursed at them. "You should know better than to scare us Riv!" she exclaimed, cursing under her breath again.
    A flashlight flipped on, shining in our eyes at first but then down at the floor. The light revealed Logan and River.
   "Especially you, huh?" Logan questioned, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
   "Especially me!" Alex nearly yelled.
   "Sorry, we just wanted to have little fun," River said innocently.
   "At our expense," I said.
   "Sorry," Logan apologized.
   "We did actually want to come and get you two though," River admitted. Alex raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Honest!" he said.
   "Yeah, we're all meeting in the living room since the power is out," Logan explained.
   "Oh," Alex said.
   "Oh," I repeated.
   "So, you guys want to come or not?" River questioned.
   "Duh!" I said.
   "We're not staying here in the dark!" Alex added. We jumped down off the counters and, the boys leading, went to the living room. Everyone seemed to be gathered there, either on the floor or one of the couches. Riv and Al snuggled up on one of the couches. I sat down on the floor, cuddling with Logan. Quinn and Sly played Monopoly by candle-light. I joined them, though I had to wait till the beginning of the next round to jump in. I jumped every time thunder rolled outside, but being with everyone calmed my fear.
   I smiled looking around the room as one beautiful word ran through my mind.

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