Demanding Respect

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   It was after another training session. I had amazed everyone that day. I stood propped on my knees, breathing heavy. The others stared in amazement at me. Perhaps I should explain.
   It all started that morning. I had woken up and thrown on my long-length, long sleeve, golden shirt, my black pants, and matching black boots. I had gone out and, as usual, was almost immediately asked to help out.
   "Hey, Sky, can you help me with breakfast. I'm still learning and I don't want to burn the castle down, ya know?" Riley asked me. I take in a deep breath and let it out. I smile, though it's slightly forced.
   "Sure thing, Riles," I said calmly. I walked into the kitchen with her. I let out a gasp and quickly grab a fire extinguisher. I spray the stovetop, which had caught fire in the short time Riley had taken to call me in. Riley cursed under her breath.
   "Sorry. I'm still learning how to cook. I wanted to get Al, but she was asleep. You know how she is when people wake her, too," Riley apologized. I shrugged.
   "Understandable," I said. I put out the fire and saw the burnt remains of a black frying pan and some eggs. "How about I cook breakfast and you help," I suggested.
   "Are you sure. I'm sure I can do it," Riley insisted. My smile tightened.
   "Definitely," I choked out. Riley shrugged.
   "I'll go get new ingredients then," she said.
   After breakfast, it only seemed to get worse.
   "Can you help me fix up our car?" Logan asked.
   "Will you help me with tarket practice?" River questioned.
   "Could you spar with me before training practice?" Alex inquired once she had finally woken up.
   "Wanna tweak the control pannel with me?" Quinn asked around noon.
   Okay, that last one wasn't too bad. Yet, I said yes to everyone who asked me for help.
   Then training practice came.
   I walked in, having changed into my armor recently. I held my bayard at the ready, not quite sure if I was late today or not.
   "Perfect timing, Sky. Everyone's early for once," Shiro said at the doorway. I nodded.
   "Let's begin then," Alex said impatiently. Shiro gave her a stern look, which she returned with a death glare. I rolled my eyes at the two. Al and Dad were way too much alike for my liking. I went and stood at my usual starting position. I glanced up at the control panel and saw Quinn in her common spot. Hunk stood behind her watching over her shoulder to keep an eye on the intensity dial.
   "Ready? Begin!" Allura shouted. A droid came out. I raised foward with immense speed to hit the droid with my small weapon. Alex slid in front of me and sliced the droid with her daggers right before I reached it, however.
   "Don't worry, I got it, Sky," she said calmly, though there was a slight edge in her voice as though she was worried about my safety. I rolled my eyes and held my tounge. I teminded myself that hese are the people I care about. No need to lash out.
   Two other droids dropped down by each other. I went in for the kill, even though they were droids and couldn't really die. A laser and arrow flew past my head, whistling as they went, as I neared the droids. The droids crumpled.
   "Don't mention it Sky," Logan said as though I had asked them to hit the droids for me.
   "Yeah, it's what we're here for," River added. I scowled, unseen by the boys. I wasn't a weak link like they thought. Yet, all they ever see in me is a soft, kind, and caring kid who didn't need to fight. I could fight and I was going to during this training!
   Three droids dropped down this time. Filled with determination, I rushed toward them. A sword sliced through the backs of the droids before I could get halfway there. The three crumpled to the ground. Riley appeared behind the crumpled masses. She stared down at them for a moment. Something flashed in her eyes. Pain? Then she looked up and saw me. She smiled, though it appeared slightly forced, and Sky knew about forced smiles.
   "I got them. Don't worry about it," she said confidently. She looked back down at the droids, lost in thought. She looked back up at me as I bit back my rage. These people thought I was a weak link! They believed I shouldn't and couldn't fight! I could show them! I could show them all! "Sorry, did you want to fight them?" Riley considered, asking it as both a question to herself and me. "Sorry," she apologized again.
   That was my breaking point.
   "Sorry? Sorry?! Sorry doesn't cut it! I'm not a weak link, you know! I can fight, too!" I screamed. Four droids dropped down. I rushed faster than lightning I hit all four droids without breaking a sweat. In about four seconds, all the droids had crumpled down. I whipped toward the others, fire burning in my eyes.
   "Sky, uh, maybe calm down a little?" Logan suggested. Faster than should have been possible and as unexpected as the wind, I pinned Logan against the wall. One hand held him down while the other held my weapon at his chin.
   "Calm down? I've been holding this on for who-knows-how-long! I have never been calm!" I yelled. Logan stared at me with wide eyes. I felt a tap on my shoulder as o held Logan pinned there. I dropped Logan and spun to attack whoever had interupted me. My arm was caught by Riley, who seemed surprisingly stronger than what I had thought given her size and lack of visible muscles. Yet she held my arm firmly.
   Her bangs flew out of her face for a moment and, for that split second, I could have sworn that her left eye, the bright blue one, had heard spinning behind it. Then her bangs settled back over her eye and glasses.
   "Sky," Riley said calmly, though her free hand was shaking. "Please, calm down, just a little."  We stood there for a moment, staring at each other. Riley slowly released my hand and back away. Riley stared at me with calming eyes. I turned and saw Alex and River staring at me with a mix of awe and fear. Logan stood beside River, apparently haven gotten away from me when he saw the chance. He stared at me with pure horror.
   "How long," River asked. I didn't respond. "Sis, how long?" he asked with more sternness.
   "One year and seven months," I admitted. The others continued to stare. I couldn't meet there eyes.
   "Sky, this isn't you," Al said, stepping foward.
   "I know I-" I began, not really meaning it. Alex held up her hand and I stopped.
   "I wasn't finished. This isn't you, but neither is the help-everyone side of you. You've got to find a happy midum" Alex finished.
   "And we'll be here to help you along the way," Quinn added, having come down from the control center.
   "I think we've all learned something valuable today. Training is over," Shiro said. He smiled at me, then turned and he as well as the other adults left us alone. I smiled at my friends, my family. I smiled a true smile this time, not my casual fake one.
   "Thank you."

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