What Are You? (AU)

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   It was a normal day so far. Well, at least as normal as my life could be. I was an angel living among Alteans. This had always been my life. I live alone and in an abandoned apartment on the outside of town. It is surprisingly quiet here. You would think that all the orphans and kids that were left out here to die would come here. However, I've only seen one other being here.
   See, I say being because I'm not really sure what this kid is. They could be an angel, Altean, demon, or simply some kind of alien. I don't know. I refuse to interact with strangers. Besides, they tend to avoid me anyway.
   Today started off rather average. I went to work cooking in a bakery near the outskirts of town, I got paid at sunset, I bought groceries, then I headed home. Nothing seemed to be wrong. That was until I got home.
   I let out a short scream as I enter my backyard where I keep all of the spare metal that I have collected over the years.
   I really like to tinker with things. I dream of one day being a mechanic or even inventor for the Royals.
   A young, short girl stands in my backyard, scavenging through my tools. She looks up at the sound of my scream. Using her left arm, she pushes up her glasses, looking at me through the round rims. "Sorry," she mumbles, turning back to my tools. "Malfunctions-need immediate repair-sorry." she finds a screwdriver and begins unscrewing part of her arm.
   Okay, I don't normally get grossed or weirded out, but this completely threw me for a loop. "What are you?" I ask bluntly.
   The girl turns to me momentarily. "That is a very-a very rude question," she stutters. She drops the screwdriver from her shaking hand. "Joder!" she shouts as it hits her foot, making a clink sound.
   "Was that-was that Spanish?" I question. "Where did you learn that?"
   "Picked it up," the girl mumbles. She squats and picks up the screwdriver.
   "You just so happened to pick up a language from millions of lightyears away and also know one of the worst cuss words in the said language?" I inquire.
   "Yes," she replies simply. She turns to me fully. "Can't you tell what I am?"
   I shake my head. "Sorry, no," I answer.
   She shakes her head. "I have to go," she mutters.
   "Wait!" I exclaim as she climbs over the fence. She stops, sitting with one leg over the fence. "I-I can help you," I stutter.
   "No need, I think I've got it," she replies. She swings her other leg over the fence. "Thanks for the screwdriver," she adds. She then disappears from sight on the other side of the fence. I sigh.
   "Man, she was pretty," I whisper to myself. "Yeah, and I was a complete idiot," I add after a pause. I shake my head. "Might as well fill up time," I mumble as I head over to my table. I shift through my things, eventually banging my hands on the table. "She took my good screwdriver!" I exclaim. I chuckle. "Oh well, I guess. Probably won't ever see her again anyways. Might as well look for a new one." I turn away from my things, head back through my makeshift home, and head out to scavenge.

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