Chapter 1

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Dinah and I were walking around the city, and stopped near an ally. We walked in and stopped in front of a phone booth.

“Okay. So now that we’re about to go, I need to tell you something.” Dinah was no longer Dinah, she was now Black Canary. You could tell by the way she talks. Her voice tends to be softer when she isn’t doing anything of the sort for her ‘hero’ side. But right now, it did not sound like that.

“I know the past few years have been just me and you. Occasionally Green Arrow and Speedy. But now, it’s you and a whole team. I just think it’ll be a little hard for you to adjust. Plus, none of them know who you are.”

“M’gann didn’t say anything did she?” I asked

“No. She promised she wouldn’t, and for the times I’ve been there, no one knows. Your okay.” She responded.

“Okay. I think I’m ready. A bit scared and nervous, but ready.” We both chuckled, then Canary stepped into the phone booth, and after about fifteen seconds, and a bright white light, she was gone. Then I stepped in, and the exact same thing happened.

But I heard a computer say Blue Jay B07

Next thing I know, I’m in a big cave with Canary, the Zatara’s, Artemis, Green Arrow, and Batman. I know I’m for in a big treat.

“Hey you made it.” I hear Zatanna tell me.

“Yeah, well it got boring ‘round Star.” I smiled sarcastically. Batman, Canary, Zatara, and Green Arrow were talking in a little circle leaving the three of us to talk.

“So what do you think they’re like?” Artemis questioned us, a bit tires, but still a question.

“Who knows? They could be stupid as heck, or smart as hell.” I replied making them laugh a bit. Canary came over and said, “I know you all are eager to meet ‘The Team’, but just like any other teens, they’re all in school. Superboy and Miss Martian won’t be here for another two hours, and Kid Flash same. Aqualad and Robin will be here in an hour, so I’ll show you three to a room, we expect you three to stay there and wait until we come and get you. Let’s go.”

Well followed Canary down a hallway past a few doors, and entered a grey room. It had a desk with a black spinning chair, and bed with red sheets, and shelf with a few books. Zatanna and I sat on the bed with Artemis on the spinning chair. Canary closed the door and left.

Okay, so I know you might be wondering what Zatanna and Artemis are wearing, so here we go. We were all currently in our civvies, and Zatanna wore: a plait navy skirt, a white blouse, a navy ribbon, with a navy cardigan and black flats. Artemis wore: black skinnies with a brown silver belt, a white spaghetti that goes about an inch above her stomach, a brown jacket that reaches her elbows, and brown boots up to her knees. As for me, my long black hair with metallic navy highlights were just flowing down my back with a few pieces in small braids. I was wearing black skinnies with a baby blue spaghetti, covered by a loose white cardigan. My shoes were currently just black flats, and with a matching blue choker.

“So how’s Eli?” Artemis asked. We all know about each other’s life, causing us to be close. We even know about Artemis’s family, while she knows about mine, and we know Zatanna’s secrets.

“He’s okay; he said school’s staring to get to him though.” I chuckled. “How’s your mom?” I asked.

“She’s good. Although I got this letter about going to Gotham Academy with a scholarship, and she keeps pushing me for it.” She whined.

“Well, it could be a good experience, and it would make your mom happy.” Zatanna implied.

“I guess. But I don’t like change; you know that, I mean the only change I liked was getting you guys as friends.” She mumbled the last bit, but loud enough that we could hear it.

“I know what you mean. We’ve known each other for only a short time, and it’s like we’ve known one another for more than half our lifes!” I explained. We all laughed a bit and continued on our conversation.

Zatanna complained that her father was being overprotective ever since she found out about ‘The Team’. Artemis went on to researching about Gotham Academy, and every once in a while she would tell us something cool abou the school. While I just listened to everyone. I talk to people, just not all the time. I’m more of the easy going, closed up, open ear of the group. After about and hour, Canary came in and told Zatanna to put up a sound proof field so Aqualad and Robin wouldn’t hear us. They’re supposed to be here in about five minutes or less.  

Another hour later and Canary came back to tell us to come outside and meet everyone. Once we stepped out of the room, we knew everything would be different from here on out.

A Story of A New Hero: Blue JayWhere stories live. Discover now