Chapter 14

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We got back to 'The Cave' around seven. Wally, Robin, Artemis, Zatanna, and I were about to head home. We asked Kahldur if he needed any help. But he declined. We all went through the zeta-tubes. 

Once I was back in Star, I walked out of the phone booth. I climbed a building, I ran across at least ten rooftops to get to mine. I went through the door at the top, and got to Dinah's room. I didn't get caught, and there were at least fifty other people I saw while I went through the floors.

I walked inside, and saw Dinah on the couch sleeping. Guess today wiped her out. I went into my room and freshened up. After I showered I wore blue fuzzy pants with pandas and hearts all over them, and a black spaghetti strap. I grabbed he house fun, and called Elliot. 

"Hey! You weren't at school today... Was it fun?!" he asked. Dang that boy is sharp.

I laughed, "Hey, wait up! I just got home, I'm tired and I still have school work to do!"

He told me what they did in school today, and the homework. Then I told him what happened during the mission.

"Woah! That's scary, yet awesome!" he shouted.

"Hey! be quiet. Dinah's sleeping, I'l see you tomorrow. I've got to do all this homework now!" he laughed and said his goodbyes. I did the same, and we both hung up.

I went to the kitchen, and grabbed a plate. I warmed up some pizza from the other night, I put a blanket over Dinah before I went to my room. I did all the work, within two hours, and fell asleep around ten.

I woke up at seven. School starts in a half hour. Ugh. I went to the bathroom, washed up and changed. I put everything in my bag, and popped in a waffle in the toaster. I drank  a cup of OJ, ate my waffle, and brushed my teeth. I put my black flats on, and left a note on the fridge. Dinah left for work at about six today. I grabbed my key from the counter, and ran out of the building, with ten minutes left to get to school.

I ran all the way, saying hello to some familiar faces. Once I was at school, I was out of breath. Five minutes left, and I made it. I looked around for Elliot but couldn't find him. I felt something wrong, so I spun around and kicked the person that was behind me in the chest. I heard a grunting sound, and I saw Elliot on the floor.

"Ugh. Elliot! You know you shouldn't do that!" I shouted. The school was to loud for people to hear me.

"I know! But it is worth a try." he said smiling as I helped him up.

"Besides. You're in your school uniform, it has to be hard to kick in that thing." he said pointing out.

Our school's girl uniform consists of a white collared shirt with a maroon vest over with the Star Academy crest on it, and a plain skirt that goes right above the knees. Girls can also wear the same skirt, and white collared shirt, but with a maroon-gold striped tie, and a maroon blazer with the schools crest on it. 

The boy's uniform consists of khaki pants, white collared shirt, a maroon-gold striped tie, and the same blazer as the girls. Boy's can also wear the vest thing instead of a blazer. 

In my case I was wearing the vest and skirt. But I was wearing my favorite sneakers. Converse. Elliot was wearing his khakis but the rest was the same as me.

We started laughing and walking to our first period. AP English. Our teacher is Mr. Jameson. He's an okay teacher, he's pretty old though, and can't keep track of things.

After AP English we both have Pre-Calculus. Then comes AP Physics and Japanese 1. Elliot takes Spanish 1, so I hang out with my friend Cassie. My fifth period is Drawing and Art then my free period with Elliot where we hang out around campus. Both of our seventh period are our athletics.

We both have gymnastics for seventh period, so we changed into our practice suits and headed over to the Queen Gym. Ollie donated money to the school to help with our gymnastics program, so they named a gym after him. When we entered, we dropped our duffel bags by the door, and saw our coach giving a speech. 

Coach Killins name is so ironic. He's one of the nicest people I've ever met. He's like a dad. He's nice and supporting, but he can be strict at times, and you never want to get on his bad side. We headed over to the bleachers, and sat by our twin friends Kayla and Kyle

"Okay, so as you all know we have our competition against Gotham Academy tomorrow. I need you all here by seven sharp tomorrow. The bus is going to leave at seven thirty, so we will be arriving there around ten. We will be leaving around five, so we'll get back around seven or eight. Depending on traffic. Now I want you all to get at least eight hours of sleep tonight, and I'll be putting events on the board. So check what you're doing, and practice it. Take it easy today though, so no horse playing. Got it Luke?" he asked. The whole team laughed knowing Luke. 

Luke is a junior, and is the class clown.

"Yes Killins." Luke said smiling. 

Coach motioned his hand at us telling us to get. Kyle and Elliot went to the boys side, with Kayla and I heading over to the girls side.

Kayla is five-foot four, with dirty blond hair in a pixie cut. She has dark brown eyes, and freckles crossing her nose. She has the nicest personality, and is literally the girl version of her brother. Minus the weirdness.

"So did you hear Gotham got a super tool?" she asked me while we were stretching.

"Oh really? Who?" I asked.

"It's a boy in our grade. His name is Dick Grayson."

"Dick? I've met him before. He's pretty cool." I told her.

"Oh really?" she said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Ha ha ha. He's a foster kid to Bruce Wayne, they visited the daycare once, so I talked to him." I told her.

She just hummed and went to check our events. Kayla is like a sister to me.

Once she told me what I was doing, we went to practice. She got the uneven bars and the vault. I'm doing the floor and the uneven bars to. Kyle is doing the parallel bars, and the vault. Elliot got the still rings and the pommel horse. 

I headed over to Coach Killins to get my routine for the floor, and practice. He told me to do my winning routine, which I do at most competitions. He told me to change some things though and I'd be good. I got our choreographer and headed to the floor. After practice, I got everything down. I headed over to the locker rooms to change.

I headed back to Dinah's and finished homework, I ate dinner and went to bed. I didn't feel like going on patrol tonight, so I hit the sack. 


I know not a lot of people read this, but I hate to just give up. So if anyone can message me, I really need a co-author. It's summer vacation for me, and my family is actually doing stuff this summer! So if anyone can message me, that'd be great :)

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