Chapter 20

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"Blue! Get out of the way!" Wally said picking me up and rushing me out of the way as one of the androids tried to shoot me. 

He was panting when we safe, "What happened?!" I asked.

"Two- androids- both- Reds." he said gasping for air.

We heard someone scream, and it sounded like M'gann. We ran to where the scream came from. We found Kahldur and M'gann in a box of fire.

"Kahldur what happened?!" I shouted.

"Get out! Find Superboy! Contact Robin and Artemis!" he shouted. 

"You do what he says, I'm going to try to get them out." Wally stated.

I did as told, and found Superboy, but he was trapped. They locked him in a block of cement or something. He could see and breath, but he couldn't move. 

"What happened?!" I shouted over the loud noises.

"Red's family is what happened! Is M'gann okay?!" he shouted really concerned.

"Uum..." I started not knowing how to give him the news.

"What happened!?" he shouted angrier than before.

I was to scared to not answer, so it just came out of me, "They got her and Kahldur...they're trapped in a jail cell of fire." I said just loud enough for him to hear.

He didn't say or do anything, well he couldn't have smashed anything considering he's stuck, but he didn't really do anything. But he did tell me one thing.

"Save her. Save M'gann please." he said so sincere.

"I will. I promise." I said.

I tried to get a hit on them whenever I could, but they kept deflecting me, or hitting me. I was almost out of energy trying to get to them myself. I didn't know what happened to Wally until a few minutes later.

Once of the Reds threw me down, and I saw that he was in the same situation as Superboy.

"Are you okay?" he asked as I was getting up.

"Fine." I said.

The computer said something that sounded like someone entering. The Reds left, so I assumed someone was here!

I got up, and ran over to the entrance, I saw Robin pop up, then Artemis. The Reds were about to hit, but I got to them before they did.

"Robin! Artemis! Down!" I shouted, tackling them to the ground.

"Blue what's happening?!" Artemis asked shooting her arrows at the smoke covering the Reds.

"We need to find somewhere private to talk." I said quickly, and we all ran out of the way.

We ran and ran, until we figured to talk in the vents. We jumped in, and crawled to safety. We were all panting when we stopped, and took a second to take a breather.

"So what happened?" Robin asked getting straight to the point.

I sighed before answering, "Two androids. They were already here when I arrived. They're both Reds. Somehow Tornado forgot to mention he has family. But they were attacking, and they captured the others. Kahldur and M'gann are in a fire cage. Conner and Wally are stuck in some sort of cement. I've been trying to call you guys, but it was hard. I've been fighting them for a while...nothings working." I briefed them.

Artemis looked really shakened up, but Robin looked as if he's gone through this already. Which I highly doubt.

"We need a plan." he said sternly.

"No shit Sherlock. What're we going to do?" I asked.

He looked a bit offended, but brushed it off, "We need to find a way to shut down the androids." he stated.

I looked at both of them for anything, but the greatest idea popped into me, "Radio Wally. He'll know." 

"Yeah! Radio the dork who got himself captured!" Artemis stated, rather loudly I might add.

"It doesn't matter that he isn't the best  at saving the day. But he is freakishly smart." Robin defended.

"I'll radio him, you look for a way out. And Artemis," I grabbed her shoulders, "It's going to be alright."

"What do you mean alright?! Four of our SUPERPOWERED friends just got captured! How are going to help?!" she freaked.

I didn't want her to go in a coma, so I said something to calm her down , "Because lying here and acting  like a five year old isn't going to help whatsoever."

She started calming down, and Robin started to crawl. I radioed Wally to get some help. We ended up crawling back to the hangar, Wally and Robin decided we needed to use an electro-magnetic pulse. Whatever that is.

The plan was that I distract them, so Robin and Artemis can get the magnet, and plug it into the main generator. Which is in the dead center of the cave. Why is everything so diffucult...

Robin and Artemis got the magnet, and I was in my position, getting ready to distract. They were both running late, and I was getting scared. Just as I was about to radio them, my cue was up. I dropped down from the ceiling in front of the Reds.

I tried to fight them, and get a hit. It was pretty hard.

"Let. My. Friends. Go!" I kept shouting.

Sometimes I added in, "You can't contain us forever!" or, "Give up!"

Soon, they were messing with the water, the walls, and everything. Robin and Artemis were having trouble, and I was getting way to tired to keep it up. They got me by the hands.

"Surrender, or your team dies." one of them said. 

I was so weak, that it sounded as if they were talking to me a mile away. I wouldn't give up, so they kicked me into the rising water. All I remember was everything going black, screams, and small crack...

"Melody...Melody can you hear me? Please be okay..." someone said to me.

My eyes started to open, but just barely. I closed them again, and got them to open fully. It took me awhile to take everything in, but once I absorbed my surroundings, I freaked out.

"What happened?" I questioned softly.

My throat was scratchy, and everyone was in their civilian clothing. 'The Team' was in the room, a few members of the League were here, and Artemis was kneeling by my bed. I started to sit up.

"Melody. You're in the infirmary." one of them said, although I don't know who.

"I can see that. I want to know what happened." I stated.

Everyone seemed to take a breath. I waited for an answer. I was about to ask again, but Batman walked in.

"Good. You're awake." he stated.

Everyone was quiet, so he continued, "I'm guessing you want an answer?" he asked.

I just nodded. No one seemed to want to talk to me. Just then I realized my leg was in a cast, and I felt stitched on my head. Batman started to open his mouth, but Dinah cut him off.

"I should tell her." she ordered.


Sorry for the HUGE delay! I promise to get a new chpater up soon. I'm sorry if this wasn't a good one, but I was just trying to get something up for you guys to read. So I apologize for my slopiness. Thank you, and I promise to upload soon!

A Story of A New Hero: Blue JayWhere stories live. Discover now