Chapter One

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The team had just neatly wrapped up a case and were all preparing to go home after signing off their paperwork. Lisbon sat at her desk, head on hand, and bounced her pen between her fingers hearing the tap tap tap it made as it hit the surface of the table. Jane lay quietly behind her on his couch, and listened to the rhythmic beat and wondered what it was that was making her so agitated. She'd seemed dreamier recently. He'd always jumped to the conclusion that it was her romantic evenings with Agent Pike that had sent her hormones into a frenzy. Sure, he'd like to believe she was happy, and for a couple of weeks she was, but then it was after the case at the 'men only' center, in the forest, that he noticed her change. Then a beat was missed and he heard shuffling coming from her direction so he snapped an eye open and slyly glanced over at what she was doing. She'd dropped the pen on top of the papers and was bending over her bag. She retrieved her cell, which surprised Jane as she'd always insisted on carrying it with her when out in the field. The screen lit up and she smiled sweetly to herself, a cascade of her brunette locks forming a barricade between her and the rest of the bullpen. Jane silently watched her type a reply, that unbeknown to him, was a simple text informing Pike that she would be clear of work soon and that she'd go straight over to his. Jane felt good that he'd finally set her free from the wrath of Red John and the bright array of emotion that was carried with the case and every new murdered victim. For once in a very long time he felt as if he'd done something right, not only for her, but for him too. If either of them had voiced the vibe that had buzzed between them for many years, more so the recent months, then he knew she would forever be with him and he would never see her be so cheerful, due to the pain and heavy weight he came with. She had seen him at his worst times, and more often than not, helped him get out of them... But surely she'd always see that in him when they were together? He understood strong relationships were built on trust, and they both believed they had that for one another, but also knowing the worst side of your partner. And he was afraid that he had gone past 'worst' and onto 'soul destroying'.

"Night, Jane," Lisbon's voice suddenly pierced through his thoughts. He looked up at her as she stood behind her chair and realized he was still lying comfortably on his couch with one eye open. He blinked multiple times and then revealed both shimmering pools of aqua and decided his best way out of this was to laugh it off. "Sleeping with one eye open? How very dolphin-y of you."

"I didn't pin you for a fish lover, Lisbon," he said, sitting up.

"I wouldn't call myself a lover."

"I'm sure Agent Pike would strongly disagree," he smirked.

Her features went blank as she hid within her walls again for protection. "Stay out of my business, Jane." And with that she turned on her heels and walked toward the elevator.

As Teresa and Marcus sat at his table that evening eating take out, against his will, that she'd picked up on her way back from work, he continued to appear content.

"Marcus..." She began, resting her fork on the edge of her plate as he looked up. "It's take out food."

"Thank you Agent Lisbon for clearing that up," he chuckled.

She smiled as he slid a hand over hers and she glanced down at her lap to cover a subtle blush. "I don't mind eating it. And don't you dare tell me you cooked every night after getting home from work. It's okay, I'm used to it. In fact, I think you've provided me with more hand prepared meals in the past two weeks than I've had in the past year."

"I'm happy so long as you are."

She pulled her other hand out from under the table and placed it over his. "Trust me when I say, I am very happy."

"Good," he said gently, sounding far more reassured. "I just don't want to disappoint you."

"Aha, you? Disappoint? I think you'd break out in hives," she laughed. At the sound of her amusement his eyes lit up and he felt comfortable again. He didn't mind eating take out, that's pretty much what he lived off when his divorce was finally confirmed and filed, but he wanted to make sure she didn't think that he couldn't be bothered, because if she wanted a home cooked meal, then that's what he'd do. They carried on eating and when she was scraping the remaining noodles onto her fork he got up to fetch the bottle of wine from the counter. They listened to the glugging sound as he poured more into each of their glasses and she washed her last mouthful down with a sip as he returned the wine to the work-space. He walked back over and instead of retaking his seat he came towards her and took her hand. She watched him curiously as she was unsure of what was going on and then her eyes widened as he knelt before her. Her mind went into overdrive as she tried to compartmentalize her thoughts and feelings.

He smiled nervously and removed one of his hands from grasping hers to rummage in his pocket. A brief moment later he withdrew a petite ring that held a glistening rock.

"Teresa... Lisbon... Will you marry me?.."

Jaded Romance-The MentalistOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora