Chapter Two

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She sat there completely aghast and so lost for words she wanted the ground to swallow her whole. The single word that remained in her vocabulary was, yes. But she couldn't. She wanted to, to make the situation easy. But the easy way wasn't always the right way, she had years in law enforcement to prove that. Hearing the silence, he somehow felt relieved... He wanted her to marry him, but he was glad that he had found a woman capable of making a realistic decision. They'd only been dating a few weeks, although they'd both grown incredibly fond of each other, but he couldn't help feeling that their love was unbalanced.

"It's alright..." He muttered encouragingly. He wanted this to be her decision.

"Marcus," she finally summoned the strength. "I like you... I really do-"

He broke her off with a kiss and she thanked the Lord for the help she'd requested. She hated herself and felt so embarrassed. When they pulled away he gazed into her eyes and she offered a shaky smile.

"Listen..." He said, studying her bewildered features. "It's okay. I just... Well, I love you," he blurted out causing her to have to cover her shock. "And I know this could all be so very daunting... But I want to make you as happy as possible and-"

"I know..." She whispered, their faces still inches apart. "Marcus please understand that this... It's a big decision... And it's completely my fault..."

"No, it's not-"

"Please," she hushed him. "I... Haven't dated in a long time. And I mean a long time. I'm just very cautious because the last time I said yes to this question, I was young and ended up... It doesn't matter, but I just don't want to hurt you..."

He looked at her, searching for something deeper now. She rubbed a thumb along his cheek and pecked a kiss beside his lips then stepped away. "I should probably... get going," she stated, taking her jacket from the back of the chair.

"Here," he said helping her into her jacket and then signalling the way. "Let me show you out."

They both remained in this odd characterization until he had closed the door, with her on the other side. They each mentally knew that some time apart, just a night or two, was what they needed and hopefully things would resume to how they were before tonight. Marcus strode back to the kitchen table and carried their plates to the sink. He poured Lisbon's wine into his glass and carried it through to the living room where he turned on the television just so he didn't have to sit in silence. There wasn't even an inkling of interest in what the show was about, he just didn't like the silence swallowing his thoughts.

As for Lisbon, she was still unsure what to make of it all. She knew she felt incredibly evil, but the rest was all just a knotted ache in her chest. She took out her cell phone and called the first number on speed dial.

"Lisbon?" He asked, knowing it was.

"Hi, Jane... Can I talk to you?.." She didn't know what she was doing, this was all rather out of character for her. She very rarely relied on others.

"Of course. What's up?"

"I mean... Can we grab coffee or something?.." She knew he didn't drink coffee and most places were shut at this time, but she knew that he'd understand what it meant.

"That bad, huh?" He would normally resort to humour and joking, but he had a strong hunch that this was not the time.

"Where shall I meet you?"

"What about that little place off the highway?"

She knew the one, one of the few places that sold vaguely decent coffee.

"I'll see you there." She hung up before he had chance to ask any questions. Right now she loved Jane for being Jane. Most days, when he was causing trouble she'd do pretty much anything to have him swapped for an obeying Labrador or something that she could pet. But today, she was glad Jane was him, she was glad he'd be able to read whether she wanted to go on and talk or to sit there quietly, she was glad he was still there, in her life. No doubt she'd be feeling the complete opposite tomorrow when he sparked up more mischief.

She pulled into the parking lot and saw his trough of a home, his air-stream. She got out and wandered into the roadside diner. She saw him sat at a table with a mug placed in front of both chairs.

"Hello you," he greeted warmly.

"Hi." She took her seat and immediately went for the comfort of cradling the mug. "Thanks," she said, referring to the cup of coffee.

"Decaf. From your expression, I'm guessing you're going to need all the help you can get with actually having some sleep tonight. Caffeine would not help the situation..."

She sucked in her lips and raised an eyebrow, acknowledging his wise choice. After a few moments silence between them he decided that whatever it was, she should talk about it otherwise it will eat her from the inside out.

"Did you and Marcus have an argument?.." He asked gently. Her eyes darted up to meet his face and she shook her head.

"The complete opposite actually..."

He waited patiently and took another sip of his tea.

"He proposed to me, Jane," she suddenly shared. His eyes went wide, as hers had done just an hour before. His expression then faded into one that she couldn't read and with that she bows her head to her lap again, thumb tapping the mug handle.

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