Chapter Three

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"Wow..." Jane mumbled. "I didn't realize you were so serious..." He had realized. Well... He wasn't expecting such news so soon, but he knew they were moving at some fast paces.

"We weren't. We're not. Well... I don't know..."

"What did you say?"

"... Nothing... I just sat there like a complete jerk. Not saying anything."

"Oh..." He discreetly sighed with relief, then immediately remembered the promise he'd made with himself earlier. If she were to receive good news, that made her happy, then he'd be happy too. And if it were bad news, then he'd cheer her up, not be glad of it. "... And... What's happened now?.."

"Jane..." She warned. "Don't you dare say anything, or do anything, stupid, you hear me?"

"I do."



"We're fine, unfortunately for you," she snapped.

His expression went to one of distraught. "What do you mean?.."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she said shaking her head.

"Lisbon?.." He asked watching her leg bouncing and breathing shallow.

"I can't, Jane-" Her face crumpled as if trying to refrain from crying.

"Hey, Lisbon, just breathe," he soothes, rising slightly from his chair and placing a hand on her shoulder. "Just breathe, okay?.." She'd had a panic attack once before, when she was suspended and was under surveillance because she was a suspect on a case linked with her SFPD days. He was slightly surprised that something like this would throw her into such a frenzy. "Come on, let's take a step outside." He got her up from her seat and lead her outside to get away from the thick, cooking scented air indoors. She was completely aware of what was going on and she controlled it with the help of some guidance.

"I don't know what brought that on, I apologize..."

He let the dust settle for a few seconds. "What're you going to do?.." He asked, leaning on the bonnet of her car.

"Let things play out I guess."

"But you two made up?"

"Does it pain you to talk about this, Jane?" She asked.

"Very much so."

She expected him to ask why, or to throw an insult back, but now she is obliged to ask why herself.


"I want you to be happy. And you're not. And I'm half inclined to commit another murder for the FBI to use to trap me here."

She wasn't sure what to say to that. "Well don't kill him."

"As you wish..."

"And we can't have you stuck here for longer than you've already got."

"That's very kind of you."

"I was just saying that because they believe I'm the only one who can control you. The longer you stay, the longer I do."

He looked at her and she couldn't help but drop her act and grin.

"Very good, it's nice to see that smile."

"Hah," she grunted. "You got any wise ideas?"

"For your predicament?"

"No, for fleeing the country."

"I have plenty of those, one of them even works!"

"Come on, Jane," she said, beginning to jig impatiently.

"What do you want to do Lisbon?.. Do you want to keep going?"

"He wants to..."

"Do you?"


"Well see how things plan out. Don't rush into anything."

"I'm moving to DC," she exclaimed with a serious tone of voice.

His eyes widen again for the second time this evening.

"With him?"

"Oh get real, Jane," she groaned, acknowledging his disgust. "I'm not needed around here, I enjoy it, yes, but there's nothing keeping me here. I'm free to go whenever I want."

"What happened with you controlling me?-I-I need you here."

"You don't though! Fischer and Cho will keep you in place and you haven't needed me for the past few months! Since Red John I've been a sub, sat on the sidelines while you play the game. Just... Face it Jane, you'll be able to cope. You coped in Mexico, or wherever it was you vanished off to. You'll cope now-"

"I won't. I can't."

"Grow up. I'm not helping you with anything. You don't need me in cases, you don't need moral support-"

"You make me come to work everyday!"

She rolled her eyes, not realising he meant she's the reason he goes to work everyday. She began to walk around the car to the driver's door.

"No! Lisbon, come back. I'll listen-"

"It's fine, Jane. I'm done." She yanked at the handle and clambered into her seat. She started the engine and shut the door then put the car into drive. She sat with her foot hovering over the acceleration pedal but couldn't go anywhere because Jane was stood a metre in front of her car, his arms crossed and refusing to budge. She slumped back in her chair and knew that this could be a long night. After a bit, she too crossed her arms and glared at him, although being aware that he could not see her due to the brightness of the headlights, shining directly at him.

After about five minutes of being in deadlock she stopped being so stubborn and climbed out of the car.

'You're a jackass," she informed him as she reached the spot beside him.

"But I got you here again. Now we can talk, like civilized adults."

She stuck her nose up and refolded her arms. "I tried to before."

"Well now I shall act as one too." He'd decided it was easier to go along with whatever she was saying otherwise there'd be no stopping her from running him over if she climbed back in that car.

"I just don't understand why it's such a catastrophe that I move. We're friends, I get that. But you don't need me here. And you ran off, not knowing if you were coming back, God! Not even knowing if you'd survive with the FBI after you or that we'd see each other again! And when I decide to move, for a completely legal reason, and I have a single location where you can find me, and we can see each other again, it's a huge issue."

"Listen... Listen..." He said, his voice steady and controlled as he turned to face her with his hands firmly resting on her shoulders. "I have lost you, so many times. And when I went away... After Red John... I finally realized that if I got you back, I'd never want to let you go again... Please try to understand, Teresa... The time I spent, beside the ocean, with air and space, I had time, so much time, to think and set my sights straight. I uncovered how much I rely on you and how much I need you. Please believe me. And I finally realized I'd taken you for granted and that I never showed any gratitude for what you did for me. You were my passage to peace, my pathway to the future. Without you I wouldn't have been able to catch him. I think... It just shook me up a bit when you showed interest in another guy and I felt replaced- I'm not accusing you of anything Teresa, I'm not. But I simply want you to understand how much you mean to me. Please."

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