September 11, 2001: Tuesday

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I remember just texting Francis that I was packing a bag. He didn't even question me; he just typed a little 'okay' and went on with his life. That was the kind of person I knew I could respect. I still do. - Arthur Kirkland


He only let go of my wrist when his flight was called. We kissed, and that was the end of it. I was with the rest of the Nations while we recovered from this whole incident, and Arthur was on his way to New York to help his little brother. - Francis Bonnefoy


The man who stands in one place for a person is alone.

The man who travels even two steps for a person has a friend.

The man who goes miles for someone has found his true love. - Honda Kiku


I was scared for Alfred, and I prayed for Arthur the second Francis told me he was on his flight to New York.

I'm sure we were all praying. - Yào Wáng


I don't understand how he was able to take a flight like that and trust it after what he saw on the television. If it was me, I'd take transportation other than a train. [Raivus Galante] is like that, too. We may not get along, but we think the same way sometimes. - Eduard von Bock


Like [Bock] said, I wouldn't trust a plane if that was what I saw on the news, especially if it was Breaking News, like the news report we saw.

[Kirkland] was taking a big risk. I can respect that kind of guy. - Raivus Galante, the Republic of Latvia

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