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It was the next day, all the grocerys were put away, she went to bed later then she should of, but all she could think about were those eyes, and his smile. When she finally snapped out of it she got out of bed and put some cartoons on. They are all lame now and not what they used to be. She just sucked it up and poured her self a bowl of cereal and sat on the couch, crossed legged. She only half watched the tv and glanced around her bare apartment.
When you first walk in the kitchen is to your left and straight on is the living room. It's all pretty much open concept. Far to the left is a small hallway with a bed room and bathroom and to the right is another tiny hallway with a bedroom. Everything was painted white and the ceilings were pretty high.
 She was thinking about going to get some furniture to spruce things up a bit, but it would be hard to carry things in by her self. Maybe she could ask Colby? She smiled at the thought.
She was to shower first and get ready, then maybe she would go see if Colby was around. Almost an hour later she was ready, she curled her blonde hair and threw some short jean shorts and a large black hoodie on. Brushed her teeth and grabbed her lanyard with her keys.

She walked past her car and across the street, she checked her phone, 11:42. It's not that early to bug him right? The gate was open, should she just go in or? She glanced around she didn't see any buzzer or anything so she walked in. A black Dodge challenger was parked next to the door next to a Mercedes so of course she gave them a look over. She walked up to the door and knocked. Hopefully someone was up and she wasn't disturbing anybody. A man with a man bun came to the door,
 "Um, hey? Can I help you?" She smiled at him,
"Hey, yeah I'm here to see Colby?"
"Wait how did you get in? The buzzer never went off?"
"Oh sorry! The gate over there on the left is open. I couldn't find a buzzer."
"One of my roommates must of left it open, yeah there is one on the other gate."
"Sorry I didn't know, I just moved in across the street, and came over to ask Colby something and I don't have his number."
"Welcome to the neighborhood! What's your name? I'm Corey."
"Oh I'm Charlie? Nice to meet you." She smiled again.
"Alright one second." He said shutting the door. She nodded and waited out side. A minute or two later a sleepy Colby opened the door. His hair stuck up in the back a bit and she giggled. Colby's eyes widened and tried patting down his hair.
"Sorry Corey shut the door on you. Just making sure you weren't some crazy fan." Charlie was confused at that.
"Why are you some sort of celebrity?" She joked.
"Well we are pretty big on youtube, we were on vine before it got shut down."
"Oh really? That's pretty cool! In that case you shouldn't leave your gate open."
He smiled at her,
"So what gives me the pleasure of seeing you again this fine morning?"
"Oh! I was going to go to ikea and get some furniture but I realized I couldn't carry it in side by myself. I was wondering if you could help me later when I get back. I mean if that's what you want or if you're not busy.."
"How about you come in for a bit, I'll get ready and come to ikea with you?"
"Would you? That would be great I barely know how to get there!"
Colby chuckled and opened the door a bit wider for her to come in. "Of course, it's no problem."
She smiled and walked inside and took her shoes off.
"You can come chill in my room till I'm ready if you want. So you don't have to hang out with my weird roommates by yourself."
She nodded and followed him upstairs. He lead her to his room,
"Excuse the post it's everywhere. It was a prank."
"I think it gives the room some spunk."
He chuckled, "You can sit on my bed or couch or play on my computer if you want while I shower. Also the wifi password is on my desk. I'll be quick!" He said rushing to the bathroom.
"Thank you!" She called to him.
She looked around at all his stuff. She was trying not to snoop, but she was in a cute guys room, she had to investigate, did he have a girlfriend? What were his hobbies?  Did he read? Does he draw? She looked around and saw a few pictures. One of him with a blonde haired boy. She thinks she saw him yesturday outside when Colby was in that dress. Another was him, the blonde boy, Corey and a few other people. They looked happy. He also had a bunch of cameras and rings on his desk. She noticed when she first met him he wore a lot of rings. She made his bed for him, just out of habit and sat on the the end of it with her back against the wall. And played on her phone for a bit.
Was that Colby calling? She walked over to the door and peeked out.
"Charlie, um I know this sounds weird but could you get me some clothes? I was in a rush and we have no clean towels in here..." Her face was burning behide the door she was pressed up against Colby was naked on the other side. She gulped.
"Is there anything specific you want? "
"No, you pick."
"Okay! I'll be right back!"
What am I going to get for him? What does he normally wear? She went to his room and started opening random drawers. In the first one she found socks. She grabbed him a pair not knowing if he wanted him or not. Next drawer was underwear. She grabbed the first pair. She quickly found his shirts and pulled one out with a few tiny holes in the shoulders and then found some grey skinny jeans. She gathered all the clothes and knocked on the bathroom door.
"I got you some clothes."
"Great, thank you so much Charlie sorry about this." He opened the door a crack and held out his hand. She placed the pile of clothes to him.
"Its alright! It happens!"
"Alright I'll be right out!"
Charlie went back and sat on Colby's bed and waited for him.
Colby came back in, his hair was done and his clothes were on, he walked over to his desk and grabbed some of his rings and slide them on. Charlie got up and looked at the one he was putting on.
"That one is my favourite." He looked down at her, "Mine too." He smiled.
"Wait did you make my bed?"
"Yeah, just habit I guess."
"Well, thank you. Sorry my room was messy when you got here."
"No, I'm sorry I woke you."
"Well really, you didn't wake me. Corey did."
"I sent Corey too." They both laughed.
"Ready to go?" He asked.
She nodded and followed him out of the room and downstairs.
"Bye guys! I'm going out for a bit!" He yelled. A chorus of 'K' and 'bye' rung though the house.
"We taking my car or yours?" He asked fishing for his keys.
"We'll take mine. Come on." They crossed the street and got into her car.
"This is not what I expected to be your car." He said looking around in it.
"And what did you expect? " She questioned raising an eyebrow at him and smiled when it turned on.
"Ahh.. I don't know maybe a Prius or something." She just laughed at him.
"Okay Mr....."
"Brock. Colby Brock.
"Well then Mr.Brock, if we are going to hang out and be friends, few things you have to know. One, I love cars, the sounds the engines makes, fixing them, the way they look and sound. So I will never be caught dead in something like a Prius. Two I'm always down for a movie marathon. Three never underestimate me!"
He laughed at her, "Okay Miss..."
"Jones, Charlie Jones." She mimicked him.
He chuckled, "Alright Jones, cars are cool I guess. I don't know much about them, but if they are your thing that's cool." She turned the car on and started driving to ikea. "For the record, I don't know where we are going."
Chuckling around he pointed to the next road, " You're just going to take a right here."

They finally made it to ikea after talking about music and youtube. Charlie parks her car, "Ready to go?"

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