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After walking around the first half of IKEA and Charlie saying , 'I want that.' After everything she sees, Colby suggests they stop for lunch.
"That sounds good! Let's go!" Before they made it to the food court they went through the kid section. Colby stopped to look at a basket of stuffed animals while Charlie spotted some pop up tents. Quickly rushing inside, she waited for Colby to walk by. When she thought she heard him coming her arm shot out of the tent and grabbed his ankle.
 "I got you! I got-" She cried happily  till she saw that it wasn't actually Colby. Her face got really red and she instantly let go of the workers leg.
 "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I thought you were my friend! Sorry!" The worker was just kind of startled and rushed away quickly.
 (This actually happened to me and I was so embarrassed)
Colby could be heard laughing at the end of the aisle. His camera was pointed at Charlie. Realizing he must of caught the whole thing on tape, she flipped him off and got out of the tent.
"That was priceless!" He said bending over laughing. "Ha ha. That was so funny."She hit his arm playfully. "Cut it out! I'm so embarrassed!"
"But did you see the look on that ladies face?" He laughed harder.
"Oh come on." She chuckled.
"I'm hungry."
They eventually made it to the food court and they got in line. It was early so the line wasn't too long, which she was greatful for. Colby went first and handed Charlie a tray. Colby got his food and headed to the check out while Charlie looked at some desserts. After picking out a cookie she went and paid. She dug out her wallet and tried to hand money to the lady.
"That gentleman already paid."
"No this is for my order, not his." Charlie said confused.
"Yeah, but he paid for his and yours."
"Oh, okay. Thank you." Grabbing a drink she went over and sat by Colby.
"Why did you do that?"
"What?" He smiled through mouthfuls of food.
"Why did you buy my food?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." He said continuing to eat.
Charlie smiled and nudged Colby,
"Thank you. But don't do it again. I can pay for myself."
"Oh I know you can, I just wanted too."
She broke her cookie in half and placed a piece on his plate. And began eatting her own food.

Charlie grabbed a small plant and some cool copper knick knacks for her apartment. When they got to the ware house Colby grabbed a cart while Charlie pulled the paper out of her pocket. Charlie climbed onto the cart and pointed straight ahead.
"This way!" Colby pushed her around till they got yelled at and Charlie had to get off the cart.
"Party pooper." Charlie grumbled after the worker left.
"Well you did defile their staff, they probably would of let me continue riding the carts." Colby said proudly puffy up his chest looking smug.
"Yeah right. I'm sure they would of let you." She said sarcasticly. Stopping at one of the selves she looked up trying to find the number of the book self she wanted. Colby glanced at the number over her shoulder coming awfully close. He quickly moved away but Charlie enjoyed those few seconds.
"Here it is." That knocked her out of her trance. She watched him haul it out "You wanted the white one correct?" She smiled and nodded as he set it on the cart.
"Where to next?"

They finally finished gathering all the furniture she wanted, they paid and headed out to the car.
"Thanks for helping me today."
"What do you mean? It hasn't even begun. We still need to build it all."
"No! I can't let you help me with that! You've already helped me do so much."
"I like helping you, you're pretty sweet and cool. It's fun hanging out with you so I don't mind." Charlie blushed a bright scarlett colour at his words.
"You're not so bad yourself Brock." They were just able to squeeze everything into Charlie's car.
"Good thing we didn't choose to bring my car. It's a lot smaller." Colby pushed the cart back and got into the passenger seat.
"Do you want to stop for food or anything while we're out? I have food at home, but I don't know. Maybe you wanted something."
"Its okay, your place sounds good."

When they got to Charlie's and brought everything up, she flopped right onto the couch. Colby sat on the floor and looked around.
"This is a nice place. They just put these buildings up, I think you're the first to move in." Charlie sat up and patted beside her and Colby got up and sat next to her. "Yes, which means no mystery stains on the carpets and appliances that actually work." Colby laughed.
 "That's true. One time Sam and I were looking at apartments and there was this gaint stain in one of the bedrooms. It was gross. Luckily we didn't move into that building."
"Would you like anything to drink? I got water, juice, pop? I don't drink alcohol cause for one I'm not old enough here, plus I'm not a big fan." She could see Colby thinking about what she just said,
"What's pop?" 
"Oh yeah sorry, soda. I'm from Canada."
"Oh, Canada eh? Sam's girlfriend is from Canada too. Could I have a 'pop ' please?"
Charlie rolled her eyes at the 'eh' joke and grabbed herself and Colby a coke and she went to sit back down,
"So where are you from?"
"Just a simple boy from Kansas."
"A lot of yellow brick roads in Kansas?" She fired back trying out a joke of her own.
"Haha, like I haven't heard that before."
"Did you think I never heard the eh joke before?" She giggled.
"Well you do say it."
"I have to admit, I do say it."
"A-boot these boxes when do you want to open them."
"Ok! I do not say a-boot. I say about!" Colby laughed and kept teasing her.
"We can start when ever." Colby sipped his coke, got up and set it on the island. Clapping his hands he got on his knees and started opening the box. Charlie got off the couch and helped him.

Soon they had most of the furniture built.
"Wooh." Colby wiped the sweat from his forehead.
"Let's take a break, do you want to maybe order pizza and watch a movie or something? If you're not sick of me yet?"
"Course I'm not sick of you and I'm down for pizza and a movie. I'll order the pizza and you get the movie set up?" Charlie nodded and got a sticky note from the draw beside the fridge and wrote down her address and stuck it to Colby's chest as he dialed the pizza place. She ran to her room and put on a pair of black Nike shorts and an over sized hoodie. She grabbed an arms full of blankets and dropped them on the couch. She plopped down hearing Colby talking on the phone.
"What kind of pizza do you want?" He asked.
"Any is good with me." She told him turning Netflix on.
"Alright.. thank you... bye. Pizza is coming!" He said and plopped down on the couch next to Charlie.
"What are we watching?" He took off his sweater and dropped it on the floor. He stood up and unfold the blankets and laid them over top of them both.

"Any. What did you have in mind?"
"This might be lame, but do you want to watch a disney movie?"
"Would I? I'd love too! Any you can't find on Netflix I have over there in that box."
Colby smiled so wide his checks hurt. They finally settled on Big Hero 6 and the pizza came. After most of the pizza was eaten and the movie was 3 quarters of the way done, Charlie fell asleep. Colby didn't notice until she slid and fell onto his lap. She looked so peaceful Colby didn't want to wake her, so he fell asleep there too.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2017 ⏰

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