Weird day

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So on Wednesday at school I had an unusual day, a girl filled day. So it all started when I got my crushes number in second period. Then all through third period I kept thinking of how I was going to ask her out, then came fourth period where the action came. You see, we were in groups of like 5 or 6 in my art class and my group was next to a group of girls. Apparently one of the girls took notice of me and took interest. She wrote random notes and sent one of the girls to give it to me, one of them said something like "tbh ur hot" and "what are ur thoughts?" I didn't take too much interest and kept working, until the end of class. I was trying to get out the door and this guy stopped me and said that the girl wanted to ask me out. Two problems, one was I already have a crush and just got her number, and second I don't even know the girl. Eventually, 3 hours later, school was out. I got on the bus and thought back on my day and the incident. 

Interesting and weird.

My journal of randomness and thoughtsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt