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*Sigh* I've been thinking, overthinking really, I do that way too much. But it's gotten to where it's making sense but at the same time I can't tell if I'm accurate or not. 

Why am I saying this? I've noticed that hardly any of my 'friends' talk to me anymore. Now I have my real ones and they talk to me and I talk to them so I know they're there. But you see I have Snapchat and I talk to most of my friends there because it's easy to use and simpler than regular message. When I put on my story (post for those who don't have snap) "Text me lets make plans." And you know who replies? Absofreakinglutely no one! And then they put on their story "Bored HMU" and it just pisses me off which I know I should just brush it off but what else do you do when every time you ask to make plans no one responds? Hm? I feel like I don't have very many true  friends now, and before you question to yourself, "why don't you try talking to them?" I do try, all the time, but they either open my message and never reply or just never open it. It's udder bullshit.... excuse me for my language... it's just something I do when I'm stressed. ( I'm very stressed writing this rrrrrggghh) I don't know.. its just hard, and it's terrible timing too because someone broke into my dads truck, broke the lock system and such and stole his work laptop, (we have that covered now thankfully, all our digital things are safe, but it's infuriating none the less and I seriously hope they find whoever robbed my dad.) and my mom tore a muscle and was rushed to the ER. (She's recovering well) 

I guess I'm just going through life's rose thorns right now, I seriously hope I emerge from the thorns and find the beautiful rose and be happy and myself again. 

And I'm sorry you're having to read this..

Loneliness can go both ways, a private personal world or a ticket to incompletion. If that makes sense 

Just not feeling myself, hope this school year isn't gonna have this vibe 

Anyways, I'm sorry guys I just needed to get that off my chest, and who knew crying and writing was difficult? 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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