Chapter 9 : Walking, Strutting And Falling

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Today is the day. The day that I've been dreading more than any other day in my little pathetic worn out life.

It was just only two hours before the dance that I began hyperventilating. I had bought a dress and people better like it. It wasn't cheap; but it was Designer.

Since the theme was basically all flowery; I went for a floral look. Ended up buying a mid length emerald green dress with variated colorful flowers decorating as embroidery.

I bought it only after video calling Alice in the dressing room; waiting for her approval.

After a while; she just half-heartedly shrugs,'its nice'

I know at this rate that even a 'nice' was a huge accomplishment. I'd be mighty surprised if she ever called me gorgeous and I'd be dead if she ever called me hot.

I wore my dress; smoothing down any creases. I poke my feet into my black stilettos. They were the only shoes I had to match. I do up my hair into a bun with the limited bobby pins I had. I applied a light coat of make up and admire my work on the window length mirror attached to the wall.

I looked presentable at best. Nothing much I can do to improve if. My hair looked decent (enough) and I'm just hoping that the pins never fell off.

I went outside my room and turned to close the door. When I turned back; I bumped into a guy; looming over me.

'You look dashing', He says, caressing his hand on my cheek.

'Charming as always Billy', I reply curtly. I move to leave but instead get blocked.

'I have to go Billy', I tell him.

'No', He smiled mischievously ,'You're finally back in my grasp. And I've decided to not to let you go ever again'

*Edward's view*

I actually got the nerve to ask her out and she was ten minutes late.


As far as I know; the Elena who worked for me always tried to be on time. Something was utterly wrong here. I head Back inside the house; to her room.

That's when I hear voices.

I hid behind a shelf of books and peeked through.

'You filthy bastard!', she hissed.

'I'm tired of playing nice...', he places a hand at her lower thigh and I feel my hands clench into rocky fists.

'I'm taking what I want...', he continued.

She tried struggling to get out of his steely grasp with no luck. He simply pushed her against her closed door; locking her more tighter with no definite chance of escape.

'Don't touch me!', she shouted.

His hands proceeded to go more up and up... slowly; he placed his face near her neck and I see him sliding out his tongue; kissing it.

'She said don't touch her', I say; finally stepping out and revealing myself from the bookshelf.

Billy hadn't expected this. He hadn't expected me to be here. No, he was shocked.

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