Cast List

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Jacob Hopkins as Jon Solo.

Harrison Ford as Han Solo.

Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker.

Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Organa.

Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca.

Anthony Daniels as C-3PO.

Kenny Baker as R2-D2.

Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian

Warwick Davis as Wicket.

Jeremy Bulloch as Boba Fett.

Jay Hernandez as Kes Dameron.

Michelle Rodriguez as Shara Bey.

Authors Notes:

1.) Jacob Hopkins is the current voice of Gumball on the Cartoon Network show The Amazing World of Gumball. (Replacing Logan Grove.) His notable live-action roles include that of Alexander Drew on HBO's True Blood, Billy on a 2010 episode of CBS' How I Met Your Mother called "The Wedding Bride," and a reoccurring guest spot playing Adam's friend, Chad Kremp, on ABC's The Goldbergs.  Born in Los Angeles, California, Jacob Hopkins is is so far the first, and only, American actor I've pictured playing Jon Solo in this series. (Jacob Tremblay, from A New Hope, is Canadian; Levi Miller, from The Empire Strikes Back is Australian. And yes, I intentionally decided to cast a different actor as Jon during his childhood and adolescence in ANH, ESB and ROTJ. But when I get to the Sequel Trilogy: The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi and Episode IX, just one actor will be playing adult Jon. And I already have a couple of ideas for who I want it to be. But the rest of you will have to wait until I do TFA, which obviously comes after ROTJ, to see who I ultimately pick.)

2.) I omitted Frank Oz as Yoda, James Earl Jones/David Prowse as Darth Vader, Sebastian Shaw as the unmasked Anakin Skywalker, Ian McDiarmid as The Emperor and Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi from this cast list for this version of ROTJ. Oh, Luke will still have his canonical interactions with all these characters-just off-screen. Because Jon's story is different from Luke's. However, yes, Jon will learn that Vader is Luke and Leia's father before ROTJ ends.

3.) Like I mentioned in ESB, Jeremy Bulloch is just the name of the actor who was in the Boba Fett costume. Once again, I'm leaving it up to the readers to decide how they want to hear his voice. Also, I know all of you are thinking "Wait a minute. Boba Fett didn't even have any lines in ROTJ...unless you wanna count his scream before he falls into the Sarlacc pit." I know that. But he will have actual lines in this book.

4.) Just like I've been doing since the beginning, Chewie's dialogue will be written surrounded by asterisks. For Jabba's dialogue, I'm bringing back the brackets I used in ANH. The dialogue of all the human characters, plus 3-PO, will be written in normal quotation marks.

5.) Wicket is the name of the Ewok who the befriends Leia...and pretty much humps Han's leg. Warwick Davis was just 11-years-old when he got the role. (ROTJ was his first movie, and he has since gone on to have roles in such movies as Willow, the Leprechaun series, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and the Harry Potter series.) Fun fact: Warwick has a son named Harrison, yes, named after Harrison Ford. I mean, come on. If you do your first movie at 11, and it features a scene where you hump Harrison Ford's leg, why wouldn't you name your son after him?

6.) Kes Dameron and Shara Bey are Poe Dameron's parents. They did in fact fight in the Battle of Endor, with Shara as a pilot, and Kes as a solider, who was part of Han's strike team. I cast Jay Hernandez, known for roles in movies like The Rookie and Crazy/Beautiful and Michelle Rodriguez, of The Fast and the Furious fame, in these roles, after seeing several edits and gifsets on tumblr picturing them as Kes and Shara. I also added them to this version of ROTJ, because I wanted Jon to get to know them, considering that he and their son, Poe, will be best friends in TFA.

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 3: Return of the JediWhere stories live. Discover now