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I was sitting on the bus listening to Why Don't We's new song when someone tapped my shoulder. I look up to see a cute brown haired boy, around my age. He says, "you know you're singing out loud, right?"
"Actually, I did know that." I say with a smirk, even though I totally didn't. And that's when I realized,
"I'm Jonah Marais. But... you probably already knew that." He says, winking at me with a huge smile.
"Yeah... I did." I said laughing.
"My stop is up next, but we should hang out. Maybe you could give me your number or something?" He says.
We exchange numbers and he gets off the bus and starts walking with 4 other boys, and I realize they're the other why dont we boys! I cannot wait until Jonah texts me. A few hours later my phone goes ding! I reach out for it and I see Jonah has finally texted  me!
Jonah: hey, it's Jonah! i never did catch your name..
Me: my name is y/n.
Jonah: hi y/n! so the boys and i are going down to the mall, maybe you'd like to join? ;)
Me: sure! ill be there in 20 minutes
Jonah: great! see you there
Me: :)

*at the mall*
I walk around a little bit until I get a call from Jonah.
"Hey! The boys and I just got here, where are you?" He asks.
"I'm by the food court. Wanna meet there?"
"Sure! See you then." He says.
"Where is she?" I hear a voice say on the other end of the line.
"We're gonna meet her in the food court. I can't wait for you guys to see her! She's beautiful." Jonah says, not knowing neither of us hung up.
"Well bye." I say into the phone, trying to hold in my laughter.
"Haha, whoops, bye." Jonah laughs. He ends the call and a few minutes later I see them walk into the food court. When I'm close enough to them they start singing Nobody Gotta Know to me! It was the cutest thing I've ever witnessed omg. After they finish singing Jonah introduces me to everyone.
"Zach, Jack, Daniel, Corbyn, this is y/n. And y/n I'm pretty sure you know who they all are considering you were singing one of our songs when we first met." The other boys start laughing. As we're walking around the boys ask me some questions to get to know me better.
"So do you do anything for fun?" Zach asks.
"I sing sometimes, but not like professionally or anything. Im also in-"
"Wait you sing?"
"Sing for us!"
"Yeah! We wanna hear something." They all say.
"Nah, I'm not that good."
"When you were singing on the bus you sounded amazing.." Jonah blushes. I start singing the English part of "Despacito" and when I finish that they all say how great I am.
"Y/n, you should do a song with us! Or maybe a mashup!" Daniel says. The others agree.
"Alright, if you insist." I say laughing. Zach, Daniel, Jack and Corbyn all exchange numbers before I go back to my house.
Jonah: hey, thanks for coming with us! it was a lot more fun with you
Me: anytime! i had fun with you guys too :)
Jonah: 💜
Woah, Jonah Marais just sent me a heart. I never would've thought this would happen.. I tuck myself into bed and fall asleep watching The Fosters.

*the next morning*
I finally roll out of my bed to find that Jonah texted me an hour ago.
Jonah: good morning beautiful ;)
Me: good morning :)
Jonah: hey! what are you doing today?
Me: nothing much, im planning on staying home most of the day
Jonah: could i do that with you?
Me: sure! come over whenever :)
Jonah: see you soon

I jump out of bed and start getting ready. I take a shower, do my hair and makeup, and I get dressed in some black leggings and a white shirt with laced shoulders. I walk downstairs and start making some pancakes for Jonah and I, expecting him to be here soon. Just as I was pouring the last one on to the pan the doorbell rings. I open the door and my ex boyfriend, Ethan, walks through.
"Y/n, I can't get you out of my head. I feel horrible for breaking up with you like I did. Please take me back." Ethan takes your hand. Just then Jonah walks up with a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a big smile on his face. It immediately disappears when he sees you and Ethan.

who will you choose? does jonah get mad? what's the deal with ethan?

there will be a part two coming out in the next week or so, so keep an eye out for that!

but the boys are coming to my city in a few days and im so excited but i know that i still won't even meet them ugh.

Why Dont We Imagines :)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt