Part Three

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(Skipping to Lillie getting Snowy's egg)

You've been here a week, tops. Well, closer to five days, as today was Tuesday, and you started school on a Friday(Because you came here on Wednesday, due to your 'adventure' delaying things about two days) and had your time to yourself for two days, as you had a day off, then you had a fever so you were exempt from school yesterday. Amina had said it was probably from the huge temperature difference between Snowbelle City and Melé Melé Island, which was probably around a 60° difference. But, off the math stuff and onto now.

You felt... Horrible. You hadn't slept well because Arcanine had decided to lay on top of your legs, then migrated onto your stomach, while you kept waking up because he was giving you hot flashes, and you still had a headache from your fever that, though gone, caused headaches and lack of depth perception.

It was decided that you would take some meds, and take Gabite with you in case you fell. Arcanine was going to take you to school anyway, but Gabite was coming into the classroom with you. You had woken up from maybe 20 minutes of sleep, and gotten dressed, swapping the oversized shirt that you had gotten(stolen) from Adrian for the hoodie you had gotten(also stolen) from him, not bothering to zip it up.

You pulled your hair back into a ponytail, tying it with the ribbon and then plopping back onto the bed. You picked up the egg, putting it into your bag and stumbling down the stairs, Arcanine following behind you. Amina was already at the bottom of the stairs to lead you to the kitchen, where you took your medicine and sat with your face smushed against the table.

You ate your breakfast, which was just soup, and took some protein bars, with a smoothie, for lunch. You walked out of the house, hand placed on Arcanine's side so you didn't fall over. Gabite had been called into his Pokéball, so you wouldn't have to keep looking for him until you got to the building. You got on Arcanine's back, face buried in his fur to avoid dizziness.

God you hated this.


You had, somehow, managed to get up the stairs in the school, without falling over, however Gabite had grabbed onto your side to keep you steady once you got to the classroom door. You were the... Third? Person in the room. Sophocles and Lillie were already in the room, and you alerted them to your presence by almost stumbling into the wall, and Gabite having to steady you again. Lillie, after Gabite backed off, helped you to your seat, while you were lectured about 'If you're sick you should stay home!' By Sophocles, until Mallow and Lana came in. Mallow loudly asking if you were alright in the process.

Kiawe came in next, asking if you were okay before sitting in his seat,(what you didn't notice was the slight blush on his face from your outfit), Ash was the last to show up, running into the room then asking, confused, if you were alright. He tried to touch your shoulder, only to have Gabite smack his hand away. You didn't bother looking up, having your head buried in your arms on the desk, your bag on your lap so if the egg moved it wouldn't fall.

Pikachu and Bounsweet had hoped up onto your desk and tried to get you to look up, Gabite didn't mind them much, because they weren't touching you. You managed to look up, eye's extremely unfocused, with dark circles under your eyes. You blinked a couple times and patted Pikachu on the head lightly, before practically slamming your head down onto the desk again.

You didn't really bother paying attention during class, until Pokémon eggs were mentioned. Though you had to leave the room, Gabite managed to keep you upright until you could lean against a wall and watch, rather unfocused, as Lillie picked a Pokémon egg for the class to take care of. You were happily listening to them, until you were involved in the conversation.

Alola, Y/n! (Pokémon Sun And Moon Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now