Part Nine

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You made an amused noise, but rolled your eyes and opened the box. Inside was a blue and yellow Pokéball. You were vaguely familiar with Quick Balls, but not enough to know all their effects and such. You raised an eyebrow at Adrian, causing him to motion to take it out. You took the Pokéball out of the box and it opened of it's own volition. A small orange mouse Pokémon came out and sat in front of you. You looked at it with a small smile, noticing the little jacket it wore, "A Dedenne?" You asked quietly, letting him onto your hands. He cried out cutely at you, his whiskers sparking. You looked at Adrian with a questioning look, "Why are you giving him to me?" You asked as he ran up your arm and sat on your shoulder.

"You gave me Absol, so I wanted to give you Dedenne. You used to have this fascination with Fairy type Pokémon, so I give you an Electric Fairy type." He explained, ruffling your hair. You pouted a bit at your hair being ruffled, and started to fix it while he laughed. You huffed at him and smiled. "You know what we should do?" You grinned, causing Cream to immediately get the idea and jump up to get the brush, while Dedenne followed her confusedly.

He looked at you and raised an eyebrow. "I don't like that look in your eye..." He said warily, before sighing. "What do you want to do?" You cheered then flopped back onto the bed, "We should go check out Akala Island, it's the one with the volcano." You explained, looking more than ready to get dressed again and explore. He sighed, "How would we get there?" He asked smugly, but your obliviousness made it seem like confusion.
You looked at him with this completely lost look and said, "Dragonair knows Surf and Altaria knows Fly." You said, looking like he asked the most stupid question.

He opened and closed his mouth a few times before just getting up and leaving. You shrugged and started getting dressed again. Instead of the clothes you wore to school, you grabbed some coffee colored leggings and an oversized gray tee-shirt with a white heart on it. You sat on your bed before Cream came out with her brush in her mouth and jumped onto your lap. You brushed her thoroughly, then fixed her bow. Dedenne cautiously crawled onto your lap and called out confusedly. You lightly brushed his head before picking him up. You placed his Pokéball in your bag next to Cream's, and slung your bag over your shoulder. You grabbed a pair of old leather boots, and walked out and downstairs.

You dropped your boots by the door and ran off to find Altaria and Dragonair. Dragonair was in the kitchen under the table, and was happy to come with you. You found Altaria outside, helping Flabébé with a particularly stubborn weed. You pulled the weed out for them, and asked Altaria to help you. Said Pokémon gladly obliged, and you ran to get your boots on and almost forgot you needed to wait for Adrian.

You remembered Adrian was coming with you when Absol jumped down from the balcony next to you. You sat with Absol, Dedenne, Cream, Altaria, and Dragonair while waiting for your slow best friend. It took him five minutes, which was mostly spent by you spending quality time with the Pokémon you take care of and that take care of you. You were just starting to enjoy the silent afternoon when Adrian came and ruined it. You whined a bit at him, telling him he was loud. He in turn told you to shut up and that you should get going before it got to late.


You had gotten to Akala Island, and had dragged Adrian to explore the forests because 'Town's are boring' as you had said. You were mostly just avoiding people, because who knows what you'd do if someone you knew saw you.

It was getting later in the afternoon and you were kind of just dragging Adrian around the forest. He complained a lot in the beginning about and hour ago, but shut up after a while of you not responding to his stupidity. Cream had more than once growled at him from her place on your shoulder, while Dedenne was confusedly calling out while sitting on your head. Altaria and Dragonair were going to stay high up on some tree's near where you had entered the forest, because they were pretty tired and you forgot to find their Pokéballs.
Absol was walking beside Adrian while occasionally nudging him to be quiet, seems she didn't like his whining either.

Alola, Y/n! (Pokémon Sun And Moon Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now