~Hell broke through~

751 10 3

(Y/N) pov~
As I walk home I see this....... person just standing there staring right at me, it walks over and offers me a locket, I thought nothing of it and took the kind gesture. I looked at the heart locket, it had a purple sapphire in craved in it, when I looked up the person or should I say creature took it's trench coat of and I saw that what I had done was to let hell break through but it took my hand and injected a type of syrum into my bloodstream.

Umbreon's pov~
(Y/N) fell to the ground as I watched this thing try to next take her away, out of view of people. My blood boiled to the point that I attack it. It screamed and dropped (Y/N)'s poor little body, wait what?! Little body?! I walk up to (Y/N) but she isn't human. 'What has it done to her?' I thought to myself, I picked up her now frail body and took her to my cave to heal any open wounds.

(Y/N) pov~
I feel myself fall and than be carried away, I hope that thing hasn't got me. I all of a sudden feel a temp change, it's really cold, I feel my body be gently dropped to the cold, hard, rocky ground.
~time skip~
I open my eyes and see..UMBREA!!! I shakily stood only to be gently push back down, he looked at me and what amazed me was, "(Y/N)?", it took me a few seconds to see why he sounded confused, now I know why but I responded to him, "yes it's me,
(Y/N), but what happened to me..?" I asked, "I don't know but to say the least, you look beautiful."

MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA(chokes on spit) (cough, cough) i'm fine, any ways, I will leave you guys hanging on that cliff. HEHEHEHEHE I wonder what has become of you! Find out in the next update!

Umbreon x Reader ~Unforgotten Love!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang