~Blunt but Honest Truth~

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"yes it's me,
(Y/N), but what happened to me..?" I asked, "I don't know but to say the least, you look beautiful."
(Y/N) pov
I blushed like crazy when I heard Umbre call me beautiful but I got an idea to mess with him a bit, "what, wasn't I beautiful before?" I acted hurt, "What, no of course you were beautiful before, I just never could tell you when you were human!" Umbre explained hoping to make me feel better, "Oy don't worry, I was just messing with ya!" I giggled.
Umbre's pov
The way she giggled got me blushing a mad red that would put every tomato to shame. "I hope you feel ok, what was that ... that 'thing'?" I asked, she thought for a second and responded with "I don't know, all I do know is that that 'thing' wanted something from me" I started wondering whether I should go get food or go get water, either way I would have to go far and I didn't want (Y/N) to walk all that way, my eyes landed on a necklace rapped around (Y/N)'s neck, she caught my gaze and gasped, "I thought I dropped the locket when I dropped!" (Y/N) exclaimed.
No one's pov
Umbre took a look at the heart shaped locket and saw a purple gemstone engraved into it, (Y/N) opened it and found a picture of her and Umbre when they were only 3 years old.

OMG THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 126 VIEWS ON THIS BOOK THIS MEANS SOOOOO MUCH BECAUSE I THOUGHT THIS WOULD ONLY CATCH A FEW VIEWERS/ VIEWS! I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOO MUCH! Hope you all enjoyed the chapter and hopefully I update twice tomorrow, yes twice meaning two chapters, this might be a new thing I do considering I'm on school holidays, so anyways hope to see you all in the next two chapters, ba-bye~❤️

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