chapter 26

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Hey guys,

Sorry for the wait and for the short chapter. Thanks for commenting and voting,.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the alpha unknow daughter

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Charlotte pov

"Who are you?"I asked, staring at the blonde goddess in front of me.

The woman smiled, "I am your grandmother sweetheart. Come. Take a walk with me"

Me and my grandmother walked side by side in the most beautiful garden ever. This is paradise. Paradise is where werewolves go when they die and I am here. The terrible memory, suddenly, came back to me. My features turned in sorrow and pain.

I was dead.

"Don't look so down, sweetheart"said my grandmother. "You'll get used to it"

"Get used to it?"I said, now, anger rising up inside. "I am dead. My mother. My father. My friends. My......mate. They are all alone"

"I know. I was like that"she said, now, voice filled with sadness. Anger was replaced with pity, with sympathy. "Witches killed me and my mate, the vampire king, was all alone. Our children were taken. I should've gone back"

"Wait? We have a choice to go back?"

"We all do but I stayed. I regret it so much"

"Why did you? Why did you stay?"I asked.

"I didn't want to live in our world. I wanted to live as a human. At least try to be human. But my father, your great grandfather, didn't want that. He thought humans were disgusting and when I found out my mate was the vampire king, i was so happy. He was going to be my escape. Yes, i was going to use him but I fell for him, hard. We had Daniel and Nathaniel. Our family were complete. My father gave me an ultimatum that I had to leave or he'll kill them. He thought vampires were unpure. I left but was killed by witches"said grandmother.

Grandmother plucked a rose from the Bush.

"Sweetheart, if you decide to go back, when you will wake up, you will be a hybrid. When people with vampire genes die, the genes wake up. You will crave for blood. Crave to kill. You will have to control it. Go to your grandfather. He will help"

Grandmother placed the rose in my hair.

"So beautiful. You go, be happy. Have children. Marry your mate. What ever you do, do not trust him"

"Trust who?"I asked but my sight was going dark but I had to know, who not to trust. "Not to trust who?"

"Do not trust......"

The Alphas Unknown Daughter (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now