the confession

580 16 2

(links pov.)

The rain poured as I made my way to the zoras domain, I must proceed for the Zora prince awaits my arrival.

I manage to get to my destination, my stomach aches with hunger and I eat what's left of the rice that I carried for the journey.

"Oi hero!"

I jump surprised by the booming voice of the Zora prince.

"Oi hero, up here!"

I look up and see his smiling face, then he jumps from his perch landing in front of me.

"Hero I'm happy that you could make it!, I would like to thank you for your help in defeating vah ruta!"

I nod and smile.

"And I wanted to tell you something..."

He holds out his hand to lead me to his outdoor chamber.

We climb the slick stone stairs, then we stand on the ledge in front of the vast ocean view.

"Link...I had an eye for you since I was young, and I know that you might have feelings for the princess of Hyrule but would you do me the kindness of becoming my hylian prince..."

My face turns a bright red and I nod.

He smiles the largest smile I have ever seen.

"Great let me inform my father!"

He grabs my by the hand and he leads me to the throne of the great King Dorphan.

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