first attempt at approval

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(sidon's pov.)

"Father!, Father I have great news"

My father looks down at me with the tiny hylian behind me.

"What is the news my son?"

I grin looking at link and then my father.

"Father the hero is who I choose to be my mate!"

My father has a look of disappointment in his eyes.

" are both males and not even of the same species why do you choose to have this hylian as your mate?"

Sidon's grin disappears and slowly turns to an angry sneer.

"Father this is no ordinary hylian this is the champion of Hyrule chosen by Zelda's father... There is no one as worthy as him to be my mate... You would have let mipha mate with him... But why won't you let him mate with me?"

My father scowls.

"It is because you are male sidon... Mipha was female... Only females can mate with males not this ridiculous homosexuality."

I start to tear up.

"But father I'm the prince and I'm supposed to choose the mate that I want to choose, and I chose link... I guess I should send him off then..."

I kneel in front of link and smile a big smile with tears in my eyes.

I lean close to his ear.

"Link we will be together if it's the last thing I do..."

I whispered a few more things in his ear before hugging him and sending him on his way.

Link walked off determined to make me happy.

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