The best day ever Pt.2

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Hello everyone reading, I know I said I would publish this yesterday but it sort of just went over my head. I don't know how I forgot if I was literally on Wattpad reading for over and hour yesterday. But either way here you go and I hope you enjoy this update as well I don't know if it will be as long as Pt.1 but either way I hope you like it!
~Author M



"Listen N that is not the reason I was smiling ... I was smiling because...."

My mind was racing and as for my heart I couldn't even tell it was there anymore I was freaking out on the inside.

Am I really going to do this? Me, M finally confessing after 5 years?! What if she hates me?! Will she walk away? If so where to? What if this ruins our friendship....

I decided that.... I can't.... not's too sudden maybe a better time will come. I mentally cursed myself for being a coward and I was dragged back to reality by N's voice.

"Because?..." N questioned raising her brow urging me to continue.

"Huh? Oh I spaced out for a bit sorry... I was trying to say that I was smiling so much because...w-well we are hanging out just like we did in middle school I s-ort of missed that so yeah...." I looked down slightly blushing at what I said but at least I told some of the truth.

"A-and despite being in this long line I'm still having a good time talking with you so that's why I'm smiling.... It wasn't even close to what you were saying earlier! so that's why I started laughing. You know that your height doesn't matter to me I just like teasing you." I mumbled still facing her but with my head hanging down feeling my face slightly heat up more and more as I spoke. Until I felt her hand on my head.

"Well why didn't you just say so! Here I am making a fool of myself and this could have been avoided." She exclaimed while laughing. I laughed along because... who wouldn't? Her laugh is just so contagious and beautiful.

After a few more minutes and a few rounds of playing Kiss, Marry, Kill using the people around as targets we made it to the front of the line. The man greeted us and I asked for the two tickets for IT.

"I'm sorry but how old is she?" The man sheepishly asked pointing at N .

" Kids 13 and under aren't allowed to watch unless there is an adult accompanying them."

I was trying so hard not to laugh as I looked to my left and saw N close to losing it.

"Ummm she is 16 and I'm 17 " I managed to say without my voice wavering too much from the urge to laugh. I am younger than N but I am taller than her and I look a bit older. There were some moments where some people mistake me as 18.

"Oh I'm so sorry! You just look so ummm youthful." The ticket man said obviously a bit embarrassed by the misunderstanding. Before N could open her mouth I cut in with a smooth

"It's fine she is often mistaken for being younger than 15. " I chuckled as I slightly nuged N and she rolled her eyes and backed up so I could handle getting the tickets. Once I felt that the ticket guy was safe from N's fury I asked for the two tickets again.

"Ummm I'm sorry but the movie has already started and the room is already full. But if you'd like you can buy the tickets for the showing at 12:30"

I look back at N and had a mini discussion.

"Uhh sorry for wasting your time but we'll have to pass on that offer thank you though!" I smiled at the man and N and I walked off to the side of the line.

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