Well ....

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Hello fellow readers it has been four days since I updated and I finally felt good enough (physically, and mentally) to update this thing. You see the last four days were absolute shit for me and I want the earth itself to swallow me up, but we can't always get what we want. So here I am letting it be typed onto this wonderful app so people can feel less shitty about themselves.
This update is based off of the four days I have been gone because apparently when I don't update I do stupid shit and my life becomes a little more interesting. I don't know how long this will be so I might do separate parts like I did last time but we will see how that goes later, and I might update throughout time instead of everything being thrown at you in one day so ummm yeah that's pretty much it....so enjoy my shitty life.
~Author M



'Hey M ...'

'Yeah N?'

'I've been wanting to tell you this for  a long time '

'Okay what is it?'

'I know that you like me and we can't be friends anymore its just weird and wrong'

'Oh.... its fine Umm thanks for telling me this I guess .'

'You are not angry?'

'Umm no I dont think I am at least im  just a little upset that this is how things end for us'

'Im so sorry M '

'See you around I guess N...goodbye'

I jolted awake and realized everthing was just a dream. The alarm that always gives me panic attacks is now the alarm that rang and gave me a wave of relief .

' I dont think I have ever been this happy to wake up...'

I walked to the bus stop and the sky was very beautiful. 'I wonder if this a sign that something good I going to happen.' I continued walking and I look forward to todays events even though nothing may change. I stop in the middle of the street and just looked up at the sky it was irritating on how beautiful it was. My finger twitched as my mind immediately wanted to take pictures and so I did. In the middle of the road not paying attention to the rest of the world around me i snapped some pictures on my phone. I dont know why my senses weren't working I wasn't afraid that a car would just run me over no problem instead I felt nothing and I looked around to see that not a single car was passing by.

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