Authors Note (apology)

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Well hello there everyone it's me M and guess what. I'm just as terrible with keeping up on my own freaking book like I thought I was it's always around when I start a book that my life gets complicated and busy. I don't exactly know why but that's how my life plays out.

I swear I've been meaning to update since alot of crap has happened but the good news is that I downloaded a journal keeping app so I used that to sort of jot down everyday happening so yes I will be able to upload everything onto here.

please excuse my grammar I know it's terrible and if it bugs you just know that it bugs me more but I'm currently writing this on the bus and I could care less right now but hey I'll still try in my next update.

my emotions have developed in a way that I can somewhat understand... let's just say that my brain and heart are in agreement and that I have learned to not dwindle around something that won't happen... that's a huge spoiler right?

I will seriously try to upload at least twice or more this week but it depends on how my life goes and how I feel

again my most sincere apology to those who have read this far and I hope this doesn't happen again because I am starting to like this book.

Once again sorry for being gone for almost 4 months I will make it up with a crap ton of updates!

Author M

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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