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*Abby's pov*

After our little talk, me and Merlio decided it was time to leave this place. I quickly ran to my parents room and found the secret stash of ammo my dad hid inside the head board.

I ran downstairs and started quickly putting the bags in backseats of my car.

Merle had managed to take all the petrol from all the cars in the neighborhood and put them in bottles.

He put the petrol in the boot and got in the passengers side.

I shot a biter( as Merle called them) that was to close for comfort and climbed into the drivers seat. I took off spreading down the street, some biters trying to follow, trying being the key word.

*2 months later*

Me and Merle had gotten super close, he was like a big brother, always protecting me from biters, giving me most of the food, teaching me how to throw knives...

We were currently being crowded by a group of biters, back against back, killing them by hand. We stabbed the last ones and high fived.

We picked up the bags we dropped when the biters came and started walking. I heard a gunshot but didn't feel the bullet.

I looked at Merle who didn't seem injured either. He was looking at me with wide eyes. I looked down at my shirt and nearly passed out.

My once white shirt was now covered in dark sticky blood. I looked back up at Merle and started seeing a bright light.

"Merle, thank you for saving me  all those months ago. I love you like a brother. Your the closest thing I have to family in this fucked up world. I hope you find your brother, I really do. Thank you. Please shoot me in the head so I don't hurt you" I said to him after falling to the ground.

"No. Listen ta' me, you are not going to die. You can't, your like the little sister I never had. Please don't close your eyes. Please keep them open. I'm going to find a place for us, then we will find ma' brotha and yer family, then youll marry my brotha and we will officially be related. Just hold on a little longer" He aaid picking me up bridal style.

But it was too late. My life was flashing in front of me.

WHEN ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE- Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now