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*Rick's pov*

They all stared at me for about a minute without blinking. All of a sudden questions were being every where.

"Guys, guys GUYS!" I shouted at them so they'd shut up.

They all turned there heads towards me and gave me a look as though telling me to speak.

"Guys I'll answer your questions one by one"I said.

"What do you mean she's your daughter?"  Maggie asked first.

"Me and Lori had a twenty-two year old daughter. When this all happened she was in New York getting her license for her weapons" I said.

"Rick, how old are you?" Carol asked with a smirk.

"No! Im not THAT old, we had her at a young age" I said putting my hands up.

"Wait! Merle, what where ya doing with 'er?" Daryl asked his brother the question that was on everyone's mind.

"I met her couple months after I got of that roof. We ended up making a deal to help each other find there families. I just never thought she was your daughter. Either way, I guess I got a bit attached to 'er but not in a romantic way, more of a brotha- sista way" He explained." Either way, we was walking and a shot rang out and she collapsed to the ground. I picked 'er up and saw one of y'all trucks and followed it here"

After all the questions, we all went to our cell blocks and slept.
*Abigail's pov*

My head felt fuzzy. I opened my eyes and saw I was in a room- no a jail cell.


I looked at the bed and decided to stand up.

Bad idea. The minute my feet made contact with the floor, pain settled in my stomach and I collapsed to the ground.

I tried to get back up and I cried in pain.

I heard the shuffling of feet and saw a man standing at the cell door with shaggy brown hair and piercing blue eyes.

He helped me up and down the stairs. We arrived in some sort of cafeteria area and he sat me down. I looked around and saw there where other people- including Merle- sitting in the room. But two people caught my eye, especially when one of them ran up and hugged me.

"Absters!" The person screamed.

It took me a minute to run over what was going on.

"Carlitos!!" I yelled back hugging him.

My brother was here. Alive and breathing.

I felt another pair of arms wrap around both of us. I looked up and saw my dad. I saw that both my dad and Carl where crying tears of joy. I felt liquid drip from my eyes and realized I was crying asswell. I looked over to see Merle and the man from earlier on who helped me out the cell with there arms around each others shoulders. I realized because of the resemblance, that the man was Merle's brother, Daryl. I had been told much about him and Merle planned on getting us to marry each other, claiming we were 'perfect' for each other.

I looked at the rest of the group and saw they were all smilling at the family reunion. Suddenly my dad let go and took a baby from a young girls arms.Judging by her age, it wasn't hers.

He came over with the bundle of joy and smiled down at her.

"Abby" He paused(Abby is what people would always call me fir short instead of Abigail, it sounded to fancy smancy)." This is your baby sister, Judith"
A/N sorry for the late update, been busy also I announced in my other book that from now on youse aren't my readers, your my WALKERS. Hope you enjoyed the chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it bye

WHEN ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE- Daryl DixonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt