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*Merle's pov*

I saw Abigail's eyes flutter closed. I picked up her body and started running. I don't know where to but I was going somewhere. As I was running, a car drove past me. I started following the tracks that the car left behind.

I was now sprinting as I saw all the color drain out of Abigail's face.

The tracks came to an end and I looked ahead. There it stood. A prison. With people.

"Someone! Help!" I shouted, preparing to fight any biter that tried to get Abigail.

The gates opened and I ran through, as I turned around to shoot a walker that got through, a shot rang out from in front of me.

I ran through the second gate and came face to face with someone from my old group. Carl. Carl was one of the only ones I got on with.

"Merle?" He asked confused.

"Yeah it's me. I'll explain later kid, but first I need help for this girl" I said pointing at Abigail.

The minute his face looked at the half dead girl in my arms, he looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Um...um...BETH! CAROL! MAGGIE!" He shouted out."Follow me" He said running off to a cell block.

I started following him into the cell block. When I got in there where three women, one of them being Carol, and an old man.

"I'm Hershel, what happened?" The old man, Hershel, said.

"We were walking and someone shot her down" I said.

"Did you check for a hole where the bullet left?"  Hershel asked, as I  lay her on one of the beds in one of the cells.

"No, I was to busy following one of your cars, that's how I found yous" I answered

Hershel pulled her top up at the back and saw a bullet hole, but when he checked the front of her body, there was no leaving hole. That meant that the bullet was still in her.

"Ok, Beth, you know what I need for this operation, go get it and come back. The rest of you, out of the cell. I need space" He ordered pushing his sleeves up.

We all walked out. I could see everyone giving me weird looks.

"I will explain everything later, but first let's worry about Abigail's health" I said.

I looked over at everyone and they nodded.

A door slammed shut and everyones heads snapped over to the source of sound.

*A while later*

The door slammed open and in came Carl, Daryl and 'Officer Friendly'.

"Merle!" Daryl ran over to me and gave me a man hug.

"Daryl. I found you" I said hugging him back.

"Merle, I'm sorry for locking you on that roof" 'Officer Friendly' said.

"It's ok. I was an ass" I said. "I never caught your name"

"Rick. Rick Grimes" He said shaking my hand."Now Carl why did I have to come right away?"

"One, was obviously because of Merle, and two, we have a patient" He said leading Rick to the cell where Hershel was.

All of a sudden, we all heard crying.

Rick came down the stairs, with tears streaming down his face and was carrying a sobbing Carl.

Rick looked at all of us.

"That girl in there" He paused to wipe his eyes and lay Carl on one of the bead in the cell blocks.

He came back out from the cell and sat down in front of us. He still looked in shock.

"That girl in there is my daughter"

WHEN ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE- Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now