2.0 ~ A Revolutionary's Cause

36 3 6

It happened in merely seconds.

Without warning; without blinking, this once ceremonious venue promptly succumbed into frantic chaos as hysterical screams pervaded the distressed air.

I was left only to watch the wildness in which so quickly corroded this vicinity. The thought of the situation hardly reached my mind in such notice.

It wasn't long before deafening shots from within the panic was quick to silence the ruckus.

The room immediately fell to the floor, the cries dissipated, and the masked perpetrator had been revealed. Heeding its warning, the room gave way to fearful, motionless masses.

Gradually lifting my eyes from the floor, I laid sight upon the figure, its face obscured from perception from beneath his cybernetic mask. I gazed intently at the mechanical being as it stuffed handfuls of money into a bad, and whether it was a man I could not tell.

Its eloquent, solemn attire contrasted with its dubious and uncertain motives. However, what really grabbed my attention was the semi-automatic, high caliber, double barreled laser rifle in which he pointed precariously at the crowd with a synthetic hand.

 However, what really grabbed my attention was the semi-automatic, high caliber, double barreled laser rifle in which he pointed precariously at the crowd with a synthetic hand

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Instantaneously, the luminous red laser of its eye shinned directly into mine.

The people braced themselves as another round of ear-splitting shots traversed recklessly through the air. The booming sound bounced off the walls and rang through my head as I covered my ears tensely.

"Keep your heads down!" The culprit's jarring voice roared. Ironically, it had been the voice of a man from beneath the cybernetic synthetics in which concealed his countenance.

I laid frozen as petrifying fear pulsed throughout my body, rendering me paralyzed for most the entirety of the robbery.

Subsequently, as I prayed for my awakening from this nightmare, I soon came to discover that this dream was far from over.

Not far from where I trembled, an audible scuffle radiated as the malefactor forcefully pried a woman to her feet by her hair as she shrieked.

Pressing his blaster against the woman's head, her face streaming with desperate tears, his strident voice emitted throughout the room once again, only this time, his words serving a graver purpose.

"Avery Quinn," those heart stopping words filled the deathly still air. "Show yourself or this woman gets a bullet to the head."

My heart beat its last beat and died. My organs shut down just as quickly as the words reached my ears. All color had drained entirely from my skin.

My mind screamed out over the crowd, prompting my reaction, but my muscles did not comply.

I jumped as a lethal shot released from its chamber, penetrating its intended target, echoing a deathly note. Screams followed as the lifeless corpse crashed onto the floor.

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