M's real father and the reason he abondoned her before she was born

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Katrina's pov:
It was usual day in the Blind's district my friends and I were enjoying coffees outside umtil suddenly handsome man with motorbike arrived. He asked:
"Anyone wanna ride with me?"
All girls around wanted except me.
He asked again:
Again every girl around said "me".
"Okay but I want her, what's your name?" He asked.
"Katrina, yours?"
"Martin, you wanna ride with me?"
"Yes, why not."
That's how I met M's real dad.
:Flashback ends:.
I was 17 years old when I met him we had weird and even loco crazy relationship. When he came to live with me I was with my mom Mariah and my terrible sister Destiny. She had affairs with my exes (even with Martin while he was in our home.) We lived together few months and I got pregnant with M (M is weaeing her grandmother's name Mariah). After five months with my pregnancy he abondoned me with unborn kid and I didn't know why he just ran away like a coward without any words.
I met him twice after that. The first time he said M is not his child made me upset and even one friend said 'Leave her alone or I am gonna beat you asshole'.
The second time he didn't notice me and I didn't want talk to him. I already accepted the fact I'll raise my daughter on my own.

18 years later I understood that my mom and sis are responsible for that they conviced him that M is not his and even Destiny had an affair with him while we were a couple.
I never talked to M against him I told her about him but I wanted her to create her own opinion about him when she meets him sooner or later. And she did it. He never changed he is still same old person who doesn't know what is the word "responsibility". He has another kids ( Two sons and one stepdaughter). He hasn't contact with the older boy and the girl and he is pretending that he takes care of his soon born son but that is his life and I don't care. M also understood what kind of person he is.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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