A Sweet Suprise!

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When you wake up, you notice that all your work is already done for you. The dishes, the bathrooms, everything! You are surprised at this, but it's pretty sweet. You finally have some time to relax and you decide to go watch the sunrise in the garden. You are greeted by Sebastian and he's saved a spot for you on the bench. You sit next to him and ask. "Why is all my work done and why are you in the garden?" "Well (y/n) I did all your work for you and all of my work is already done." Sebastian smiles. "But why would you do such a thing? It doesn't make sense." You reply. "Well, you see (y/n), I wanted to spend the day with you." Sebastian then wraps his arm around you. You blush and say. "But are you sure the young master would allow this?" You replied. "Me and the young master made a deal, so you're all mine." Sebastian's eyes glow. You blush at his words. "You are now my girlfriend, I can't wait to spend time with you." Sebastian says lovingly. "G-Girlfriend?" You are shocked. "You don't object, do you?" Sebastian frowns. "W-well no I-" you stutter." "That's what I thought." Sebastian chuckles. "So, what would you like to do for today?" Sebastian asks you. "Well-I-umm... How about we watch a play? I saw in the newspaper that there's one over in Canterbury." You suggest. "That's kind of far but if you want, I will make the ride as fast as you want." Sebastian adds. "How can you do that?" You ask, confused. "You see (y/n), I'm a demon." Sebastian looks at you in the eyes. "That's....hot..." you say under your breath. You cover your mouth with your hands hoping that Sebastian didn't hear you. You then notice Sebastian's eyes glow once more. With a wicked smile, Sebastian pulls you closer and kisses you softly. You two notice a rat scurry along in the grass...it's like Ratatouille. You scream and jump onto Sebastian's lap. Scared, you start to shake. Sebastian strokes your hair and softly utters in your ear. "Everything's alright honey, there's nothing to fear."

You go to the play with Sebastian. He wraps his arm around you in the theater, it's become quite a habit. The play went quite well and at the end of the play, with all the kindness in your heart, you shouted "LIT!". Sebastian chucked at this, and he agreed that the play was indeed very "lit". When the two of you left the play, you went to a carnival, where you and Sebastian went on a few rides. One of which was a really fast roller coaster, which took you straight up and straight down. This made you feel a bit nauseous afterwards. You go to sit down on a bench with Sebastian to regain your strength. "Is everything alright (y/n)? I'm a bit concerned, you look quite pale." Sebastian seems worried. "No everything's alright I just-" You faint and Sebastian catches you in his arms. You then find yourself in your bed, you are really sweaty and tired. Sebastian is in bed next to you. You wrap your arms around him and drift asleep.

Sebastian x Reader lemon! (request 4 my special friend)Where stories live. Discover now