Chapter 13

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By the time the teen and dream demon finished and payed for their meals, rain was beginning to fall from the darkened clouds, promising a storm was on the way. Despite the rising intensity of the rain, and the brunette's objections, Bill grinned and dragged Dipper out of the diner. He beamed up at the clouds, eyes closed as the water splashed down from the heavens. Dipper watched the dream demon dance in the rain with a small smirk of adoration on his lips. The blond's shirt was already soaked, his hair plastered to his face. He kicked at the puddles, letting out a small laugh as thunder rumbled across the sky. Dipper laughed, shaking his head and calling out to the dream demon.

"You're insane," he informed him from his safe spot in the diner's entrance, the overhang shielding him from the downpour. Bill spun to look at him, the same stupid grin on his face.

"We don't get rain where I come from," he pointed out. Dipper shook his head, chuckling at the sight of the drenched blond. He tried to ignore how his soaked shirt clung to the curves of his body, how his hair slicked back when the chaos god ran a hand through it absentmindedly, how his eyes sparkled like lightning in the stormy air...

"You're blushing again, Pine Tree," Bill teased, walking up to him leisurely, leaning in close. Dipper scowled at him, his cheeks, indeed, a bright pink color.

"Shut up," he grumbled as he pushed the blond's face away from him. Bill laughed, flicking his hair out of his face.

"Aw, come on," he held his arms out wide, "you don't want a hug?" Dipper let out a small shriek when Bill grabbed him around the waist and dragged him out into the rain with him. The dream demon hugged him tightly so he couldn't escape, laughing.

"Bill, Gruncle Stan will kill me if I get the car wet!" Dipper whined, attempting to push the other off of him. Bill simply nuzzled into the crook of his neck, planting a small kiss on his collarbone that had Dipper's complaints dying in his throat. The dream demon pulled away slightly, a fond laugh escaping his lips at the bright red hue of the teen's face.

"Fine," he decided, finally releasing the teen from his arms. He laced his fingers in Dipper's and kissed the back of his hand lightly. "We can get inside and dry off." Bill held up his pointer finger in mock warning, smirking at the brunette. "But don't think just because it's raining you can call off our date," the word 'date' had Dipper's ears turning pink, "I've got more stuff planned for today!"

The two made their way back inside the diner, where Dipper, who was the least wet out of them, apologized for the mess and asked if they had any towels. Thankfully, the hostess running the diner seemed to find their situation more amusing than a nuisance and quickly fetched them some towels. After taking a few minutes to dry themselves off to the best of their ability, they returned the towels with many words of gratitude and turned to face the downpour once more.

"Now what?" Dipper asked as the two stood at the edge of the overhang. Bill smirked at him and held his hand out, his black cane materializing in his grip. The teen frowned, shuffling slightly against the chilled air. "How's a cane going to-" Dipper's words faltered when suddenly the object in the dream demon's hand was no longer a cane, but an umbrella, the bright yellow color a comforting contrast to the grey color of the sky.

"Remember, Pine Tree," he spoke in a sing song tone, "reality is an illusion." Dipper smiled before letting out a small laugh, shrugging slightly.

"I guess by now I really shouldn't be surprised, should I?" he chuckled. Bill smirked, resting the pole of the umbrella on his shoulder.

"Nope," he agreed, slipping his hand into Dipper's. "Now, it's kinda small, so you'll have to stick close." The brunette rolled his eyes, but stepped closer to the demon anyway, brushing his nose against his cheek.

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