Chapter 1 // A day into my life

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^^^ Emily Browning as Kara

Written: September 10th
Word Count: 1005

      Authors Note!// Hi guys, sorry if everything is terrible... this is my first book. But feel free to comment and mistakes i made and i'll happily fix them. Also now please please please please please don't steal my work. This is all original so please don't steal just create your own. Alsoooo.... no hate is aloud. kk that's all so enjoy!




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I'm mad. Like furiously mad. Like floor stomping, wall kicking mad. I stomp over to my bed and relax onto my plush pink comforter that I got for my 14th birthday 3 years ago and take a couple deep calming breathes.

" Kara sweetie " my mother yells at me through my closed bedroom door. Hearing the slur of sweetness in her voice, I immediately come to the enevitable conclusion. " She's probably drunk again. " I mean like at this point when isn't she drunk. I don't even recognize that woman anymore. She isn't my mother, she's a monster. My monster.

With all thoughts of the previous anger gone, I immediately prepare my self. Dashing  across my room I jump into my small closet and I put the small wooden board into the back of the door frame to effectively create a lock on the small sliding door.

Once I decide that the door is secure, I sit on the rotting carpet floor and curl into a ball. For instances like this I keep a book and a flashlight in a small box under the broken carpet. I pull that out and begin to read.

It wasn't long before I could hear her thudding up the rickety staircase towards my room.

      Everything goes quiet before I heard a loud slam and I feel my weak bedroom door as it fell to the floor with a bang. By now my heart is pumping out my chest and I was almost dry heaving.

" Karalise ( Ka-es-li-s ), Come out now. I'm not playing anymore " She yells banging on the walls.

I cover my mouth with my hand and squeeze my eyes closed hoping that for some reason she'll go away.

I think back to a time when she wasn't like this. Back when I was 7 she was the picture perfect suburban mother. Long blonde hair, chilling blue eyes and the warmest smile. She always had cookies in the oven when I came home from school, she always helped me with my Math homework she always used read me a bedtime story.

     But all of that changed the day my father died. The day my father died, I can only remember bits and pieces. But, what I remember is shouting, loud shouting and my father yelling at me to go upstairs, and by the sound of my fathers voice, I knew not to argue so I reluctantly went upstairs.

The next thing I know was I heard a gunshot then cars starting and driving away. I remember coming downstairs right as my mom came into the house. I remember seeing her broken face as she took in the scene before us.

Then I remember my mother slapping me and yelling at me for not protecting my father. That's the moment everything changed. When my life changed. The moment when my mother stopped loving her only child.

  Fast forward 3 years and my mothers found a new boyfriend. She still resents me for my fathers death but it's never gotten too physical so I never worried about it. I remember one day coming home from school to see my mother and her new boyfriend making out on the kitchen counter. Needless to say, I never made anything on that counter ever again.

Later that night her new boyfriend Nick decided he was tired of my mothers and wanted someone a bit younger. And for come reason, my mom blamed me for that. Her new nicknames for me included but we're not limited to, " Boyfriend Stealer " and " Backstabbing Hoe " I learned that night that if anything bad happened to this family, my mother would always find a way to blame it on me.

   A loud song brings me out of my day dreams and I quietly sit up and listen for any sound. I figured the loud sound that woke me was my mother leaving my bedroom door so I took out the wood piece in my door frame and quietly slid my closet door open.          I get about halfway into the small room before she yells " Haha I got you now "

I spin around on my heels and stare my mother in the eyes. " What are you looking at whore?" she yells starting towards me. " Nothing ma'am " I stammer attempting to back myself into a corner but she stops me by lunging forward and grabbing the back of my neck. She drags me out of my room, down the stairs, and into our cold unfinished basement.

" This will teach you " she yells strapping me into a cold metal chair with leather straps. Once she finished strapping me in, she gets out the whip and whips me 6 times. Each time hitting harder than the first. All I can  hear is the sound of my clothes ripping and the sound of the whip as it cracks on my now sore and achy back. I learned at a young age to not scream out. And oh it's so hard not to. I can feel each individual hit the whip makes and it takes all i am to not scream as it will only make it worse. I bite my lips to keep from screaming and soon i feel the warm metallic taste of blood in my mouth.

      When she finished, she unties me and throws me into one of the many cells lining the walls of the basement. I feel the cold wet floor of the basement hit my cheek and don't even make an attempt to move because it hurts so much. I start feeling dizzy from my excessive blood loss and finally give in to the black hole. Hoping that i'll wake up and the last 10 years of my life will just be a bad dream. I wished so hard on that cold wet basement floor that it's almost unbelievable. I wished for everything. I wished for my loving mother back, I wished for my old life, I wished to be loved, and most importantly, I wished to have my father back. That was the last thing I thought before my mind went black and i fell into a dreamless sleep.

Authors Note//: HOPE YOU ENJOYED!❤️ This was the first chapter i've ever written and honestly i feel great about it. Please feel free to comment any mistakes or ways i can make the book better and just know i will be reading all of my comments❤️Thanks

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