Chapter 3 // Bad things

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^^^ Above is Julia
Written : September 12th 2017
Word Count: 801

Authors Note// okay so today i'm experiencing something new. Im going try POV changes. so i hope you enjoy! Comment and Vote!

Kayden's POV

" Mister, please don't kill me. I'll pay you back, I promise! " whines our newest hostage from the middle of the room.

" Shut up " I shout scaring him and causing him to quake in his seat. Smirking I make my way over to the newbie trainee Cade and pace circles around him which I can  tell is making him nervous.

" You got the shot " I finally say backing away from him to allow him some room to calm himself down and take the opportunity. He pauses then takes the gun out from behind his black leather jacket and trains it on the man. " What are you waiting for?" I hear multiple voices behind me say. " Shoot " . Shaking, Cade shoots the gun and the sound rings through the room.

Smiling I step over to Cade and pat him on the shoulder. " Congratulations son, you just killed your first man. " He wearily nods and smiles in my direction. I know how he feels, it's not easy to kill your first man. "

Alright men clean this mess up then meet me by my car, we have one more order of business to take care of ". Quickly all the men nod and rush off to do their respective parts in cleaning up the mess, I start up the stairs of the basement and make my way to my car. Next stop, the home of Julia Johansson. The one who owes me $4.3 million dollars.

" Julia. Open this door! I can hear you in there! " I yell through the wooden door separating me from Julia and her daughter Kara .

" I want my payment and I want it now " I yell again. Not even 2 seconds after that, the door opens and there stands Julia in all of her nasty glory. It's been a while since i've dealt with her directly and in this time that I haven't seen her, she's gone down hill quickly, Her once vibrant hair is lifeless and dead at her shoulders, her cheekbones have sunken in and she is sporting black bags under her eyes. Despite all she owes me, I feel bad for her " Julia, where's my money? " I ask again softer yet still firm. " One second, i'll go get it " she croaks leaving me in her living room.

While i'm waiting, I busy myself looking through family pictures of how she used to look. There is this one particular picture of her grinning ear to ear holding her about 3 year old daughter in her arms with her ex husbands arms around them. They look happy. Then next to that picture there is a more recent picture of the family. Julia has her arms around a fat man and is smiling but you can tell it doesn't reach her eyes. Then in the background is her about 15 year old daughter Kara with her arms folded looking down sadly on the two. You can tell Kara's  been hit from the number of marks and bruises lacing her arms and face. She is also as skinny as a tooth pick and probably weights no more than 85 pounds at most. The drastic change between the two photos make me sad. They went from one opposite to the other.

The sound of a girl falling right behind me knocks me out of my daze and quickly sharpens my senses. Slowly I turn around and stare at the " payment " that i was supposed to be receiving.

" What is this? " I voice through all of my confusion. " Your payment sir" Julia says backing away from me. Slowly as not to frighten the girl, I reach my hand out to her to help her up. Much to my surprise, she takes my hand and hoists herself up using me as a crutch to maintain her balance. Once she has her balance down, she jumps away from me as if she just suddenly remembers who I am.

" What's ur name, Marshmellow ? " I try slightly smiling at her as I try to gain her trust. When she doesn't answer me I look confused between her and her mother. " Her full name is Karalise Rayna Johanssen. Kara for short " her mother says smiling. As if by the second, Kara's demeanor gets more scared  and more scared until she eventually blacks out on the floor in front of her mother and I

" Shiz " I whisper and bend down scoop her into my arms. " Thank you for your payment Julia, but this is far from over " I sigh walking out with this new treasure in my arms.

What a day this turns out to be.

Authors Note// Soooooo what did u think? i really tried but let me know if u didn't like it and I can refrain from doing POV changes in the future. Thanks loves❤️ Also, don't forget to comment and vote!

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