Chapter 2 // Waisting away to nothing

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^^^ Kayden West
Written: September 12th
Word Count:

Authors Note// I hope you enjoyed chapter 1 so here's chapter 2❤️ Sorry y'all this one is kind of short but enjoy. ( Also just a disclaimer i don't claim rights to any pictures i use in this book )

  I mentally groan as I come back to reality and peek my eyes open one by one. The only light I can see is the small sliver of moonlight coming from the basement window across the room. Slowly I drag my feet out from under my sleeping position and sit up.

Everything hurts

My back aches from the lashes and my stomach growls from not being fed in 3 days. Mentally I scold myself for allowing myself to get caught and punished. I remember the last time I stood  up for myself. That was also the last time I talked. My mother beat me so bad that it damaged parts of my cerebrum which impaired my speaking. I haven't spoken a word since i was 15. I hardly remember what my voice sounds like and even if i could use it, i'm sure it would sound like a walrus dying. So it's better to leave that part of me alone.

Gathering all the strength in my weak frail body, I stand up and reach toward the metal bars to steady myself. Instantly when my hand makes contact with the small bars I hiss and immediately pull my hand back and cradle it with the other hand.

" Crap" I thought making my way over to the small bloody cot in the left corner of the cell. " Mother must have reinforced the bars with electrical shocks " Sitting back  down I carefully turn over onto my stomach and rest my arms under my face. Right as i start to relax, mother comes down banging pots and pans against the bars forcing me to cover my ears if i didn't want to suffer from severe hearing loss.

" Kara get up " she yells opening the door to the cell and walking inside. She stops right above me then starts kicking my unguarded side while yelling profanities at me.

" I don't have time for this. Get up " Slowly I turnover and stand shakily trying to maintain my balance. " Come with me, dear " she smirked laying her hand on my back and pushing me forward and out of the cage. Tears threaten to spill out of my eyes when she touches my back but I fight to keep them back and obey her command. Slowly I ascend the stairs and step to the right allowing my mother to come through the door frame and lock the black metal door.

" Come Karalise, I have somebody very important I want you to meet ". She's about to put her hand on my back to push me forward but stops mid air and leaves her hand at her side.

I start into the front room but stop abruptly when I see a intimidating man looking at our family picture. The man was very tall. At Least 6'4 and had tattoos running up and down his huge arms and neck. The man had messy brown hair and green eyes. All in all, he was pretty attractive.

" Go!" My mother whispers/yells shoving me into the middle of the room to only have me land in my hands and knees. Ashamed of myself I look up to see this gorgeous man looking down at me and quickly extending a hand to help me up. Consciously I take the hand and pull myself up. Once i'm standing and completely balanced, I look up one again into his eyes and take a step back.

His eyes are far more mesmerizing then i originally concurred. They are a hypnotizing blueish green color that could kill on their own. The stranger cleared his throat and I took a large rather shaky step back and blush profusely.

" I'm Kayden. " He smirked winking at me which only made my blush deepen.

" What's your name, Marshmello? he tries.

" Oh no, what if he gets mad that i won't talk to him and hurt me" I think as a cower away from his muscular form. He looks confused then glances quickly between me and my mother.

" Why won't she speak? " he asks my mother.

Honestly, I have no idea " she smoothly lies through her yellowed teeth. " But her full name is Karalise Reyna Johanssen. Kara for short. " Once again he looks between me and my mother and says. " I accept, I will take her now ".

" What does that mean" I panicked. " Marsh, are you okay " he asks looking genuinely concerned. I start to nod before I black out completely. What an eventful night this has been.

Authors Note// I know it's not very good but the best part is that i'm trying. Please comment and suggestions or ideas you may have for the book. Hope u enjoyed my loves❤️

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