Chapter 4 // Who the crap is he?

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" What are you going to do with her? " A loud voice yelled waking me up from my sleep. Instead of intervening, I laid back on the soft pillow and closed my eyes listening to their conversation.

" I don't know. "

" Well then why did you accept her as a payment "

" I don't know "

" Well do you know anything? "

" Shut up Julio " The loud voice yelled. Julio I presumed chuckled then his footsteps could be heard walking away from the door. Hearing a huge sigh loud footsteps approached her door and stopped right in front of it.

Straining my ear, I tried to listen for any sounds but I couldn't hear anything until a loud voice right next to my ear said

" I know you're awake "

Jumping out of surprise I sat up and placed a hand over my heart trying to steady my racing heartbeat.

" Where am I ? " I asked once my heart was at a steady pace and wasn't threatening to fly out of my chest.

" You're at my house "

" Oh. " I whispered pulling the fluffy white blanket up higher to cover my face.

" Hey. Hey. " The Kayden softly. " Don't hide your beautiful face from me "

His words startled me. I am not beautiful so why is he calling me that. And, why does he even care?

" Are you hungry? " Kayden tried again holding his hand out for me to take. " We can go get some food "

Nodding I grabbed his hand and let him gently pull me up from the soft bed and into the hallway.

Walking towards the stairs I glanced around the hall and my eyes immediately landed on a photograph of a family. The mother was wearing a pink dress with polka dots and the husband was wearing a black suit with a pink polka dotted tie. The mother had a happy countenance looking down at her three children while the father was frowning and looked like he had better places to be.

Of the three children in the picture, the two boys were both wearing black suits with a pink tie. The girl on the other hand had a large pink ball gown and was sporting a large pink headband on her head. All three children were smiling wickedly except for the eldest boy. He was frowning as was his father.

" That's me " Kayden said pointing at the unhappy boy once he stopped to follow my gaze.

" Why are you frowning? " I whispered shying away from him.

" Not important " He said pulling me the rest of the way to the kitchen. I wondered why he was the only child that wasn't happy. Also.. where are his other siblings. Kayden spoke interrupting my thoughts.

" What do you wanna eat? " He asked shuffling through cupboards looking for food. " How about Mac & Cheese? "

I nodded but continued to stare at the floor. and he  started preparing the food.

" Kara, are you okay " Kayden asked placing his hand under my chin and tilting my head upwards so I can look him in the eyes. His eyes are mesmerizing. A beautiful caramel color with brown flecks swimming around in them.

I nodded once again hopping to get him off my back but he didn't back off that easily.

" Come on, Tell me what's up "

" Did my mom really sell me to you? " I asked returning my gaze at the floor.

" Not nessasarily. "

" what do you mean? "

" She owed me money and so she payed me with you"

" Oh so I'm supposed to be you little play thing? " I asked suddenly enraged

" No! I'd rather you be my queen "

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