Darkness arrived.

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Looking through the fridge seeing different snacks and meats. I inhale deep looking through the meats 'Should I?' I asked myself as I've not had any meat for a few years. I shrugged a little taking out some chicken. I could hear talking from the basement but I chose to ignore it. I look around the different cupboards in search for the bread. Trying to kill some time I make a sandwich as slowly as I could. My curiosity took the better of me and I stood at the door of the basement slowly chewing on the sandwich listening in to any conversation. I could hear a few muffled words in German but nothing I could pick up. I pressed my ear against the door and I could pick out a few words. I heard Chris talking to Till. "But what happens afterwards?" I didn't hear Till's reply but it sounded like "Freiheit" which I knew only from Chris's song to be "Freedom". A few moments later getting half way into the sandwich I could hear a small cry from Chris and then a few moments of whimpering and grunting. I stepped back from the door as I could hear the sound of  Till's footsteps climbing  back up to the dining room. Acting casual I was leaning against kitchen side humming quietly. "I knew you were listening Erica" Till said walking by me wiping his lips. I could see a few drops of Chris's blood on the back of Till's hand. "I just thought I heard crying" I explained. Till nodded slowly looking past my lie but grins. "So...How did he taste?" I asked chewing the last bite of the sandwich. I knew I was being nosy but I was intrigued. Till quirked his brow and wiped off his hands with a wet rag. "Well mature, like a very old red wine. Unlike yours which is very sweet and somewhat fresh" he explained his comparison leaning against the side next to me. "Where is he now?" I looked around for a second Till looked at me from the corner of his eye and smiled "Dying..." I put plate on the kitchen side and itched my cheek. "Like the whole, Interview With A Vampire sort of death where he falls over the floo..." I was cut off by the sound of things smashing and falling. Till laughed a little "Exactly like that...It's actually based of real vampire turnings it's odd I know but it's how it actually happens..." he sighed as he stood up and pulled my arm and we walked back to the basement door and Till opened the door quietly. Till offered me to go down first. I hesitated and stepped down the first two steps then I heard the door shut behind  me. I look back and Till had closed the door, I walked over and tried pushing it open but it had been locked. "Till!?" I shouted banging the door from behind the door I heard "This needs to happen!" then heard the sound of Till's footsteps walk away. I turned back slowly and stepped down my heart pounding. I looked turning on the light by the cord and I saw Chris just standing casually at the tool shelf. "Ah, so ... You like my music do you?" Chris asked as he rubbed his index and thumb down his chin. "Yeah, I do very much so" I answered keeping close to the exit. Chris took a step closer to me. "Tell me, which was your favorite song?" I looked up to him biting my lower lip trying to remember all the songs I heard. "Well its...

Ich Tu Dir Weh (Till Lindemann/ Rammstein)Where stories live. Discover now