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(Just to be clear, I do not imagine Saloonatics Tord as the barkeep
Also because in the last version of the story, a lot of you thought I should still have Tord's name be Todd so I'm going to change it)

The people of the calm country town, Spitbucket, we're hearing rumors floating around. Rumors that someone - some terrible person - was destined to doom them all. Someone had said he was headed towards their small town and now they were in a panic, arguing and trying to get to safety.

"Now, calm down everyone!" a low, country accent rang through the air and everyone stopped and looked where it came from. Thompson Ridwell, a handsome young man who risked his life to protect their town - their sheriff. His hair was an ashy brown, hidden under the hat that shaded his face. On his face, a scar just barely peeked out of the eyepatch over his left eye. His golden, star shaped badge glinted in the sun. He stood up high on a stack of crates so that everyone could see him. "Everyone stay calm. No bandit is gonna rob this town on my watch," he assured and the townspeople seemed slightly - but just slightly - reassured by his words.

"But," And that's when the tense atmosphere came back, "I'm going out and searching for the bandit myself before he comes, so that he won't be a problem to us anymore," low whispers trailed through the people, some people could clearly be heard saying that it was a bad idea. But Thompson always knew he didn't need anyone's approval, "What I want everyone to do is to hide in your homes until I come back. Lock your doors and close your windows, protect the children, and hide your valuables." The town stood still for a moment, and the sheriff spoke again urgently, "Go!"

Suddenly, everyone snapped out of it and did as the sheriff told them to, gathering their families and heading inside every house. Amidst the panic, the sheriff mounted his chestnut horse, which was already stocked with anything he thought he may need - things like water and food for him and his horse in case it took a while. He looked back once more at the town he called home, and he kicked off. Some of the citizens waved before running into the safety of their homes.

After the panic settled and the sheriff was gone, the streets were empty and silent. Nothing could be heard but the wind. No one dared to make a move until the sheriff had made it back. The very brave townspeople would sit by their windows, peeking outside the shades every so often. But most just hid, barely even breathing. The most of a sound that could be heard was a child crying quietly, or the creaking of shades and abandoned doors. Time passed and it had seemed like so long. Nothing happened. No one came back. The town only got quieter and quieter, and as the hours passed some people had even fallen asleep due to the lack of anything happening..

It was only until several hours passed that something was seen in the distance. It was the blurry silhouette of something.. someone..

The sheriff? Had he fulfilled his mission? The people, were they safe? Some people whispered to their families. Others curled up tighter in their hiding spots. The citizens brave enough to look out their windows squinted hard at the nearby silhouette in hopes that the sheriff was dragging along the man made to doom them all.

No. It was not the sheriff. It was exactly who they didn't want to see. The very person who the townspeople were at mercy with.

He had arrived.

The bandit. No one knew his last name, but everybody called him Todd.

All eyes followed him as he rode slowly down the town road on his horse. He had a black bandana covering most of his face and his hair curled up into two horn-like spikes. No one could clearly see his face. But no one even wanted to. Even the bravest citizens cowered in fear as the mounted bandit passed by. Todd scoped out the seemingly empty streets as he passed by on his raven horse. He passed through the lone streets and the citizens silently cowered, cried, and prayed that the sheriff would return soon. The rumors about him said that he wasn't afraid to kill anyone who stood in his way, and judging that the first rumor was true, no one wanted to find out if that one was true as well.

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