get to know me

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Idk where to start with this so I'm answering questions from a YouTube tag challenge thingy and revised it to work for me!! 30 questions total.

The video is a Melanie Martinez Megamix that you can listen to while you read! I love it so much!! I thought it'll also help you get to know me to show you my music tastes.

1: What is your full name?

I'm not gonna share my full name due to privacy reasons but I'll tell you my preferred name. I've been going by Rosie/Ro for two years now. And on here it's Rosebud because that's cute asf. I love this nickname.

2: What is your favorite color

Purple!!!! 💜💜💜💜

3: Who is your first best friend?

Kiah for sure, we met through the Disney fandom on Instagram and have been best friends for 4 years now.

4: How tall are you?

5'6" (167cm) last I checked

5: Cats or Dogs?

Dogs for sure. But cats are cool too!

6: Funniest moment throughout school?

Oh god, okay. Probably sophomore year when I was at lunch. I was early and only the boys were at our table. They were fooling around and doing teenage boy things (dicks jokes, gay jokes, etc.) They also were throwing food at each other. Well Steve threw a grape at Austin, Austin deflected it with his hand. It bounced off his hand and went down my shirt!! I quickly got it out and threw it on the table. All the boys refused to touch it because it touched my boobs. So it stayed on the table until lunch was over, I threw it away.

7: How many countries have you visited?

I've never left the United States but would like to visit Japan or the U.K.

8: Are you in/have you gone to college?

No but I'm about to.

9: What was/is your favorite/worst subject in School?

Favorite was Digital Art & Design (I went to vocational school and that was my program). Worst was definitely Spanish.

10: What is your Favorite drink?

I really love Mountain Dew man.. Idk why.

11: What is your favorite animal?

I love chinchillas. They're adorable!!

12: What is your favorite perfume?

Cashmere Glow from Bath & Body Works

13: Tea or Coffee?

Coffee for sure

14: What would you (or have you) name(d) your children?

I sorta made up the name Cicilly for a novel I tried to write in middle school so I'd probably name my daughter that.

15: What Sports do you play/Have you played?

I hate sports and all physical activity.. However, I used to be a cheerleader, ballerina, tap dancer, and soccer player :/ never again

16: What is your favorite book?

I love Thirteen Days To Midnight by Patrick Carman. I read it in middle school and fell in love. I might make an AU around it one day, it's just that good!!

17: Who are some of your favorite authors?

I used to obsess over John Green and James Patterson

18: What is your favorite movie?

I can watch Coraline all day

19: Are you Single or Taken?

Single asf. Most of my exes are assholes and I'm taking a break from dating

20: What's your idea of an ideal first date?

Movie then dinner. If there are any awkward silences during dinner then just talk about the movie

21: How many Girlfriends/Boyfriends have you had?

6 boyfriends and 2 girlfriends

22: Favorite memory from childhood?

Is it bad that none come to mind after thinking for 5 minutes??? I have good memories but nothing worth talking about.

23: Do you speak any different languages and how well?

Hahahaha no. Honestly, I would love to learn another language. But after taking 3 years of Spanish and not learning a thing... I give up

24: Do you have any siblings?

Yup! A big sister and little brother. They're 24 and 14. My father used to take in a lot of foster kids too and adopted two girls. They're 14 and 18, but dad lost custody of them though when he divorced my brother's mom. Now I have two step-siblings because my father got re-married. A 13 y/o girl and a 15 y/o boy.

25: How would you describe your fashion sense?

Expensive 😂 Honestly though, I don't dress how I want to because I can't afford it.

26: What is your favorite restaurant?

Taco Bell. I could eat it every day.

27: What are some of your favorite tv shows?

Voltron, Yuri!!! On Ice, Little Witch Academia, Fairy Tail, Soul Eater, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Stranger Things, She-Ra ...I watch a lot of anime and cartoons. I'm not sorry.

28: PC or Mac?

Mac but I currently have a PC

29: What phone do you have? (iOS v Android?)

Android but I prefer iPhone lol

30: Tell us one of your bad habits!

I'm pretty self-destructive. I have a lot of bad habits.


And that's the last question!! I hope you guys enjoyed!

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