my hogwarts house

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i took a buzzfeed sorting hat quiz after stumbling upon it. i knew i'd be placed in hufflepuff, now it's confirmed

i'm 41% Hufflepuff, 27% Ravenclaw, 23% Gryffindor, and 9% Slytherin according to the results.

"You belong in Hufflepuff without question, but your Ravenclaw-esque appreciation for knowledge means your many friends come to you when they need advice from someone with a level head. While you enjoy any kind of learning, working as part of a team is where you truly thrive. You are an excellent collaborator, and understand that communication with others is an essential part of learning and, more importantly, growing as a person.
Your slight compatibility with Gryffindor house hints at an underlying desire for adventure that may manifest itself in a love of travel or trying new things."

i feel that it's fairly accurate :)

i know you can't copy paste from wattpad, but here's a link to the quiz anyways idk

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