Chapter 1: Out of sorts

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                Keva, Rodriguez and I all sat at our usual lunch table. A few moments later the rest of the team appeared with their unusual lunches.

            "Did you see his technique? It was flawless." Cayden bragged. Cayden is our fighting technique specialist. He is frequently called upon for many training sessions. He would help find a flaw in each technique. No matter how fast you think you are with your techniques or speed, Cayden always found a way to knock your ass down. There was only one person who can equally match him...

            "Please I've seen you do better." and her name is Valda. Her name said it all; it meant spirited warrior. She was mighty, fierce and protective. Valda is the worker or the perfectionist of our group. She'd constantly work on her techniques, strategies and anything thing else that had to do with violence. They were meant for each other.

            "I've seen a baboon do better." Psykhe smirked. Psykhe was the jokester of the group. She would find something funny in the most dangerous places. She could keep our spirits up when we needed it. She may be funny but she is very dangerous. I personally wouldn't want to mess with her when she is in a foul mood which is rare. Last time someone caught her in a foul mood, she had them go see a therapist. Just thinking about it made a shiver go down my spine.

            The last ones to arrive was Kamali and Zen, the odd couple. Kamali was the quiet one of the group. She didn't have to say anything for us to know what she was saying. That is what Zen is for. Zen is Kamali's helper. He would help her with potions, healing, medicine and fortune telling. Kamali was the most important member of our group. We have to protect her with our very lives. There is only one Priest per group. Why only one per group? Well, it's because there are only a handful of them around the world. They had so much power it's unbelievable. Sometimes it would completely drain them so that's why they have a helper, which are just as strong.

            They quietly sat down and tension hung in the air. Cayden squirmed in his seat. He didn't like quiet, he found it quite irritating. I placed a piece of pasta in my mouth. Kamali stared at me. She focused her gaze to my neck. She shook her head with disapproval. Cayden gave me a light shove.

            "So you're hitched with Keva?" Cayden smiled wolfishly.

            I cleared my throat. "Yeah."

            Keva scooted over and wrapped her arms around my forearm. I couldn't help but blush and look at the ceiling. Everyone chuckled.

            "I'm surprised Acharya allowed that." Psykhe snickered.

            I pulled up my collar. "Well he didn't agree to it at first."

            I won't have my daughter be with a monster. Acharya's words stung more each time I remembered it. Why did he call me a monster? The only thing I could think of to make me a monster would be killing demons, but it was in my job description. But he also did the same. It's so confusing. What could he possibly mean?

            "What he do, give you the evil glare?" Valda joked.

            "You can say that." I squirmed in my chair. Seeing his evil glare of hatred made me uneasy. He wanted to kill me but I'm glad Keva stopped him or otherwise I wouldn't be here today.

            I was taking over Rodriguez's shift again. He told me early today that he had an "appointment" with his girlfriend, who happened to be a doctor.

            I sat in my usual post, on a branch of a tree that stood in our town's park. I sighed as I leaned against the trunk. Water splashed on the sides of the boat, which gracefully moved in the pond. Crickets sung their song for everyone to hear, while fireflies danced. It was peaceful and quiet, a little too quiet for my comfort. As I waited, I watched the stars that brightly lit the sky. A shooting star flew passed. I made a wish.

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