Chapter 2: He who not taken warning

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Who was this P? And how did he get my number?

I shook my head and erased the message. Whoever it was they are trying to make me freak out. Why would I be afraid of Death? I face it constantly in my line of work.

The cold tile felt good against my head, while the warm water trickled down my back. Taking a shower suddenly didn't sound like a good idea but too late.

"Might as well get this over with."

Ten minutes later, the cold air sent goose bumps down my body. After quickly drying off, I slipped into fresh clothes and stepped out of the bathroom. I threw what I need into my backpack, and then the familiar rap on the door came again.

"Going to school." Ace asked.

"Yeah." I placed my backpack over my right shoulder and turned around. Ace pushed off the door frame as I passed. He ruffled my hair and walked besides me down the staircase. He led me to the kitchen and threw me a freshly-baked blueberry muffin. I gave him a hug before I climbed into my car.

Hours have passed since the sun had set. I had to wait for everyone to fall asleep before I took off to the Black Field Manor. My mind couldn't stop focusing on the text message I got this morning. The whole thing was jumbled like pieces of a puzzle. A heartache formed after two more minutes thinking about it.

Penelope noticed right away that I was unfocused. She flicked me a couple times with her tail, pain swelled in the spot. She knelt before me and looked into my eyes.

"What's wrong Caster?"

I bit my lip. Should I tell Penelope about the text message? I've grown to trust her over these pass weeks. Usually I would have brought this to Acharya but after he tried to kill me, I kept my distance.

I sighed and readjusted my legs to Indian style. I told Penelope about the text message and the unknown message.

"I honestly don't know how he got my number. It totally freaked me out."

Her cat, Peppi, chased after Penelope's tail while she was in thought. I couldn't help but stifle a laugh. It looked so adorable. Finally Peppi pounced and caught Penelope's tail. She yelped and lifted her tail with Peppi still attached. Peppi meowed and licked Penelope's nose. Her anger towards Peppi died down. Penelope scratched underneath Peppi's chin. Peppi meowed once more and detached from Penelope's tail. She gave me a shy smile.

"Sorry." She cleared her throat. "Well it's good that you've got a warning."

"About my death? I don't find it appealing."

"What makes you think it will be your death?"

I really didn't think about that. I was only assuming it was me because a lot of demons hate me.

"Who could it be then?"

"Maybe someone close to you Caster. Try to keep an eye on any strange signs."

The past couple of days, I didn't see any strange signs so far. But I still wanted to be cautious. Ever since that day I haven't been receiving any text messages. Was I supposed to text him back?

A kick to the side of my head pulled me out of my daze. I tumbled across the ground. Scrapes and deep cuts covered my arms and neck. My side was bleeding from a long gash. Keva ran to my side and helped me up. A low curse came from Acharya's throat. Cayden stood up proudly, basking in his victory but I could sense that felt like he was cheating. He knew that I could always keep up with him for twenty minutes before he spots one of my flaws. I didn't even last two minutes. Acharya clasped Cayden's shoulder and gave him a smile.

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