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After a few days of peace, it was time for the day Draco was dreading about. The party.

He and Blaise were supposed to go together, but he was still very afraid of what would happen. He wasn't sure if Harry actually meant what he said; that he would leave him alone and start treating him nicely. He had a very bad past with him and wasn't going to run into his arms at the first possible apology.

Draco sighed and went downstairs to his parents. They were at the kitchen table eating their dinner, looking up at draco once he came downstairs. Lucius had been released from the hospital a few days prior, but he still had horrible memory loss from the accident that happened. He still believed Draco was a female and wasn't giving that up.

"Daphne." He smiled as he said the one word that made Draco flinch. "Why are you not wearing that nice dress I bought you?"

"Papa, I don't like it." He said quietly. "I want to wear this." He looked down at the nice pair of jeans and yellow shirt he had on.

"Bullshit." He grunted. "Go and change, or else you don't go to that party. I will not have you wearing all of those boy clothes. In fact, this weekend we're going to get rid of them." He told him nonchalantly.

"What? Father, no, you can't do that! Those are my clothes!" Draco said, his eyes wide as he looked at him. Lucius rolled his eyes and waved him off, signaling that he wanted him to leave. Draco gulped and went off to his room, grabbing the disgusting pink dress that his father picked out for him. Lucius already had no fashion sense, but when it was for Draco, it was even worse.

Draco sighed and changed into the pink dress, tearing up as he grabbed his wallet and pushed it into the pocket. He put on his black shoes and ran down the stairs, waiting for Blaise as he whimpered to himself.

As soon as Blaise pulled up in his car, he ran inside and locked the door. He curled up around himself and winced at the pink fabric rubbing against his skin, whimpering again. Blaise silently started up the car and rubbed his back gently.

"It's okay, Draco." He heard Blaise's deep voice say.

"No it's not. People will make fun of me." He whimpered as he closed his eyes. "I don't want to go anymore."

He jumped once he felt a weight being dropped down on to his lap. He opened his eyes and glanced down, seeing a fresh pair of clothes. "They're mine." Blaise spoke up. "But hey, it's better than that dress, right? I'll stop at my place so you can change, then we can go."

"Oh god, you're like an angel from heaven." He sighed happily as he leant back, looking more relaxed by the second. "How'd you know if need them?"

"I didn't. I just have extras in the back just incase. They're going to be a bit big on you," he said as he pulled up to his house. "Your extra binder is in my closet, right side in a red box,"

Draco smiled brightly and kissed his cheek. "You're the best!" He giggled as he got out of the car, hurrying into the house and into Blaise's room.

He got to the closet and knelt down to get his binder. As soon as he stood up, he started to strip down and get on his binder and Blaise's clothes. He looked into a mirror and flattened everything down, humming happily as he checked over himself. The clothes were very baggy on his small body, but his curves made up for it.

Draco was still a female, so he had all of the curves a woman did. He had the hips and breasts of an average girl, so he made sure to get larger clothes so the bagginess would cover it up.

Draco grabbed his dress and shoved it into a bag, then went back downstairs. "Goodbye, miss Zabini!" He called as he opened the door. He heard a faint 'goodbye dear', and then he was off to Blaise's car. He looked up at Blaise once he saw that the car wasn't outside anymore, a bit confused.

"Where's your car?" He asked a big worriedly. Blaise smirked and nudged his head into a direction behind him, having Draco whirl around to look at what he was pointing to. His eyes widened when he saw a black motorcycle sitting in the middle of the driveway.

"No way!" He gasped, wonder filling him. "Is that yours?" He looked back at Blaise with wide eyes.

"Yep. Mama got it for me a few days ago. She got a better job interview and she's going to need my car to get to work, so we got me a motorcycle." He said. "I already have my license and everything. Want to try it out?"

"Yeah!" He said happily as he went over. "How—how do you get on?" He asked.

"Well, I have to go on first," he watched as Blaise hooked his leg over the bike and sat down on it, starting it up right after. "Then you do what I just did. Put your leg over and sit." He told him.

Draco did as he was told and got on, wrapping his arms around Blaise's waist immediately. "What now?" He asked.

"Safety." He said as he passed him a helmet. "Make sure that you have that on and have it tight. If you need help just ask," he said as he got his own helmet on. Draco got his on after a few tries and grinned. "Alright, all good?"

"Yup!" He chirped. He wrapped his arms back around Blaise and giggled.

"Alright, hold on," he slowly pulled out of the driveway and went on to the street, letting Draco get used to the feeling of being on a motorcycle before they went off on to busy streets. "If you don't feel safe, you need to tell me, okay? We can pull over and calm you down,"

Draco nodded and looked around at everything, letting out tiny noises of interest. Blaise started to go faster as he got on to the main roads, making Draco squeal happily.

"This is so cool!" He squealed as they drove off to Harry's house.

I'm baaaaack

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