°Chapter two°

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I chuckled after ending my text conversation with Lucy. "Oh princess you have no clue what I have in store for you" I smirked deviously still laying in bed.

"Luce" I sighed dreamily remembering the hot sex we had in my dream. Oh, how I wish that dream could become a reality already. It's crazy how badly I want. Nah, crave is a better description when it comes to that busty blonde. I crave her so damn much.

"How ironic the once fuckboy is now madly in love with one woman and wishes to settle down" I thought to myself a smile comes across my face at the thought of Luce and I getting married and having kids.
I was mentally fangirling at the many thoughts of a family life with Luce.

"Ah, that would be the best" I happily sighed with my arms folded behind my head. "Just two more months till the festival then I'll confess my undying love to her. I have everything planned too, there's no way this could go wrong well, unless she rejects me" I sigh again only this time its a sad one. "God, I hope she doesn't reject me"

Images of Lucy rejecting me start playing over and over in my head like a broken down old school record player I feel something wet slide down my face. "Crap, now I'm crying" I frowned, sitting up and harshly wiped the tears away. Suddenly, a flash of blue flew into my vision sight. "Oof!" I puffed out falling back onto my back. "Meowww" I peek my eyes open to see my cat Happy on my chest.

"Good morning Happy" I greeted with a big toothy grin along with a gentle pat on his head, causing the fuzzy blue feline to purr. "Heh, I'm guessing you're hungry huh little guy" I chuckled, giving him a gentle scratch under his chin. Happy purred louder and as if on cue not other did Happy's stomach growl but so did mine.

"Well, looks like we're both hungry eh, Happy" I chuckled picking him up. "Meow" Happy replied.

"Let's go grab some grub then" I laughed, getting out of bed. "I'll meet you down there buddy, I need to take a whiz!" I shouted running to the bathroom.


After doing my business I washed my hands and made my way downstairs where Happy was waiting for me in the kitchen. Upon entering the kitchen I noticed Happy frowning while staring at his empty food bowl. I hurried to the cupboard grabbing Happy a few cans of sardines. Each can had the little pop tops on them so I curled my middle and index finger and pulled back on the pull tab popping the can right open.

"Meoww!" I heard Happy cheer I glance over noticing he had stars in his eyes along with a drop of drool dripping from his a gaped mouth. "Calm down buddy, I still need to open two more so just be patient" I said while popping open the second can.

"Meow meow meowww" Happy whined impatiently. "Happy it's just one more can calm down!" I protested folding my arms. Happy in return coughs up a hairball and flings it at me with his tail. I dodged it just in the knick of time. "Now, Happy that wasn't very nice!" I said, wagging my finger back and forth scolding him. Happy hung his head down in shame. "Aww, Happy I'm sorry, bud I know being hungry makes you crabby. I'm the same way.

Hey, I'll tell ya' what I'll add a fourth can how's that sound" I said trying to cheer my buddy up. "Nyaaa!" Happy mewled. "Alrighty then one more can coming up!" I exclaimed marching back over to the cupboard.


Natsu was too busy to notice the sly smirk that came across his blue friend's face. A face that read "Sucker"

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