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It was in a blank-white season he met him, the crowned-prince of Moon Kingdom. Untameable, jet black hair and green eyes that shone in distant - unreal, obnoxiously unreal. He doesn't think such an eyes existed. It was defying his law of facts and logic.

The boy had smiled, giving his hand to shake and he took it hesitantly. If he noticed, he didn't show it. He was glad.

They were only seven, an age where innocence were still intact with their very souls. Peace, uniting were the only things that was planted in their head. They love peace, wished for it and long for it. 'If only's' was the word that keep coming back in their mind, no war, it was their ideal, and they believed it was others too. After all, no one wished for death.

Innocence ideal.

He saw red, one peaceful night. Corpse laid lifeless on the marble tiles, blood trailing in every direction, sticking even on the wall and he was horrified, shaken and worried. Nothing rational came in his mind, he ran to search for his parent and the boy - only to see the boy was hugging the king and queen of Moon Kingdom's head affectionately. His eyes glared with an ounce of malice and venomous toward a person infront of him.

And it was his own blood and flesh.

He doesn't know what happened, he ran, far, far away, collapsing on the hard ground, breath harsh, eyes wide staring in the dark, body paralysed and he could only recounted the memory like a broken recorder.

He was a traitor, a part of plan to destroy the Moon Kingdom and everything was planned from the beginning: the declares to form a bond between the two kingdoms, the friendship that formed between him and the crowned-prince and the assassination. He had a blood of traitor, shared that person blood and he could never forgive himself.

Peace was unattainable, a fragment of fantasy, a mere imaginary of his mind and it could never be achieved. It was a foolish dream, too innocent, too spoiled and he was sickened to acknowledged it, no matter how it was true in every logic and fact.

Moon Kingdom fall under their teritorry, grasped in their hand. The former crowned-prince disappeared in their visible eyes. Rumours faded, debates about the status of the fallen kingdom's prince gradually lessened and the world smiply goes on, forgetting the event and the prince himself. Soon, no one spoke about him, no one remember him - except him, Shindo Mikaela, the crowned-prince of North Kingdom.

Wind blew harshly, cold air touched his cheek as he looked out at the window. He saw the reflection of his past and a traitor, grim and dull.

It's freezing.

'Once upon a time, there was a prince, barely a seven years old, he had hugged his parents' heads lovingly.'

White Flower of Depression {MIKAYUU}Where stories live. Discover now