Meeting Ezra Bridger

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I was always alone. My parents were taken away by the empire just five days ago. It's been hard living without them on my own and I really miss them.

As I ran through the busy streets of Lothal that sold everything from all kinds of junk to food, I stole some Maluruns and quickly made my escape. I wasn't so good at stealing things yet but had no choice as I needed to eat. So far, I have a loaf of bread and a couple of energy bars in my backpack.

I was about to leave when I ran into someone.

"Hey! Watch where you're going kid!"

"Sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" I apologised and ran on without looking to see who I had bumped into.

Kanan's POV/
I was sent out by Hera to pick up some Maluruns but when I had gotten to the shop, there were none. I made my way back to the ghost, knowing there was not a chance of finding another one in this place when I bumped into someone.

"Hey! Watch where you're going kid!" I said as I looked down to see a boy no older than the age of seven who had apologised to me.

"Sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" He then made a run for it and disappeared off further into the busy streets. Strange. I sensed a strong force in the kid. So being me, I decided to follow him. He couldn't have gotten far.

Ezra POV/
I made my way back to the tower but was stopped by some storm- troopers. They were asking for my ID and I knew I was screwed. Once they found out, they had begun dragging me by force.

"HELP!" I screamed but I knew for sure that no one would hear me. After all, many Loth rats that are mostly homeless like me get dragged away by the infamous imperial bucketheads everyday, it was a common occurrence.

I struggled to escape from their clutches but they were much too strong for me. I was only seven and I didn't have much strength. When I was about to give up, someone shouted.

"Hey! Get your filthy hands off that kid!" He yelled at them.

The guy was dressed all in green with the shoulder plate, utility belt and everything. He had his hair tied back in a short ponytail as he approached me, an angry expression on his face.

Why would someone like him want to save someone like me?

The guy knocked the soldiers out easily, and since we were behind an alley, no one noticed us. After all the stormtroopers were knocked out, the guy helped me up.

"You okay kid?" He asked as he helped me to my feet.

I nodded. "Yeah. Thanks. I gotta go. Sorry for the trouble." I said and ran off, not looking back, feeling slightly embarrassed.

When I was really actually back at the tower, I climbed the ladder onto the balcony/watchtower and looked at the dry grass across and the town from a distance. It helped calm my mind down whenever I needed to.

I fished out a metal handle from my pocket, grinning. I wonder how much this piece of junk was worth. But I was curious as to what this piece of junk was. I had tried to open it but nothing I had tried was working.

"Give it back to me." The same guy who had saved me was now standing behind me.

"You followed me?" I raised an eyebrow at the man. He didn't seem like a stalker, but then again, things might not be what you had expected them to be.

"What's your name kid?" He asked as I clutched the metal handle thingy closer to my chest.

"Jabba the Hutt." I replied, saying the first name that had popped into my mind.

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