What It Means To Be A Padawan part 2

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I watched in pure horror as the lightsaber made its way towards Ezra. Time seemed to slow down as things took place.

I remembered this feeling. Back in Order 66 when all the elder jedi, including my own master, fell to the empire. That feeling was all too familiar. Something I would not ever want to experience ever again. I had lost everything that day.

Ezra and the rest of the ghost crew were the only family I had left. I have to admit it, Ezra was rubbing off on me, he was more like a son to me.

I thought back to what my master had said to me as the other inquisitors striked down all the jedi around us. The pure fear that was evident in her eyes as clear as day.

"Run." She mouthed and I ran.

No. I won't let that happen to anyone close to me. Not again.

I managed to use the force to grab my lightsaber and intercepted the other lightsaber's path. They clashed, leaving bright sparks in their wake.

I grabbed onto it and we fought. Executing a bunch of fighting manoeuvres, intercepting and blocking the other's strikes. I was losing. I knew that.

"Ezra! Get up! Run!"

"No! I won't leave you, Kanan!"

"Ezra! Listen to me! If you stay here, then none of us will survive! Go! That's an order!" I was thrown against the wall and fell to the ground.

Ezra's eyes began to glow. They turned a dull blue. Something was stirring inside them. Something terrible.

"No. I won't let someone die because of me. Not again." Ezra then lashed out with his lightsaber with newfound strength. I watched too many jedi fall to the darkside. That was the power of the darkside. But that wasn't all. There was something else. Something. Deeper.

I watched in horror as Ezra fell into hand to hand combat with the grand inquisitor. The inquisitor was barely winning, unable to block any of the fast strikes and blows coming his way.

"Ezra! Snap out of it!"

I remembered what happened next all too clearly. Fear and anger flowed through my veins. The fear of loosing my own padawan to the darkside. The anger that how a simple mission such as this had gone downhill that fast.

The worst feeling a master could have is the feeling of being helpless. Like how I was at that moment.

My comm beeped. "Spectre 1! Where are you?!"

"Spectre 2! We need pick-up ASAP!"

"Alright. I've already got a lock on your coordinates. We're on our way. Just hang tight!"

Something happened. Ezra couldn't keep up with the power of the darkside. There was a pause in his attacks and that had provided an opening and the grand inquisitor took advantage of it.

"Any last words before I finish you off here and now?"

Ezra didn't respond having been unconscious on the ground.

The lightsaber came down and I was almost sure it was going to hit him.

There was the sound of an engine.


The phantom hovered above the air and began firing at the inquisitor who had drawn back his lightsaber to deflect the incoming barrage of blasts.

"I won't ever forget." He said before spinning away out of sight.

We were back on the Ghost and Ezra had woken up.

"How are you feeling?"

"Kanan. What happened? The inquisitor!"

"He's gone. Everything is fine. You're fine. Do you remember anything at all?"

"I remember this tremendous surge of power flowing through my veins. It snapped me out of something."

"Anything else?"

"Nothing. Kanan. What happened to me?"

I sighed as I sat down beside him. "Ezra. Do you remember back at the jedi temple when you were able to control those creatures?"

He nodded and his eyes widened in horror at the sudden realization.

"I did it again. Didn't I? I felt so helpless. So powerless. That power. It just called out to me. And I got trapped. I'm sorry."

"Hey. You have nothing to be sorry about. It just takes a little more time to get a hang of your powers. And hopefully, there comes a time when you don't need to tap the darkside's energy as a power source."

"Thank you. For saving me."

"You're welcome kid."

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