What It Means To Be A Padawan part 1

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A/N: This takes place somewhere between the gaps of season 3.

It was supposed to be a simple covert mission. Get the intel from the empire and get out. The rest of the Ghost crew didn't seem to bave any problems following their commands.

"Spectre 6! Where are you?!" Kanan yelled into the comms when they had noticed his absence in the ship. Hera was by the cockpit having getting ready to jump if needed. She clicked a few glowing buttons on the control panel in front of her, flicking on some switches here and there.

"Kanan! Where's Ezra?!"

There was the sound of feet running on metal and the all too familiar sound of blasters.

"I'll be fine. Go!"

"We're not leaving you Ezra! Hera. Wait here. I'm going to go get Ezra. Sabine, buy us some time. Zeb and Chop, you guys keep fixing those shields. There'll be more enemy troops on their way here considering that we're at the very heart of their operation." Kanan ordered before grabbing his lightsaber and dashed off to save his padawan once again.

"Be careful Kanan." Hera whispers

Kanan's POV/
I was racing though the main building. Avoiding ad many stormtroopers as I possibly could. I heard the sound of comms being switched on as one of them started talking, "Jabbah the hut has been captured, hasn't he?"

"Yeah. Commander Kallus had brought him to see the grand inquisitor."

Kid. What have you gotten yourself into now?

I was worried for my padawan's life as I attempted to track down his location through the force. I heard a scream.


"Kanan? What are you doing here?! Get out of here while you guys can!"

"Kid! Where are you?"

"I don't know. But Kanan! He's coming after me! RUN-!" My connection with him was cut off. He was in a lot of pain and I could tell in the amount of strain in his voice.

Hang on Ezra.

I was attacked by stormtroopers but easily disabled them. All my thoughts were concentrated on finding Ezra and Ezra only.

I stopped at a door. I could hear the loud screams of my own padawan from within and what I saw next made my blood run cold.

Ezra was choking by the force whose welder seemed to be none other than the grand inquisitor.

"... ah. Kanan. I see you've come for your precious little padawan? He looks a bit pale. Don't you think?" Fear flashed in Ezra's eyes as I made contact with him for a brief second.

"What do you want with him?"

"Oh. He's got a strong sense of the force within him. I can feel it. He will make a fine apprentice one day."

"Let him go!" I activate my lightsaber and stood in a fighting stance, ready to attack if absolutely necessary.

"I don't think so." The inquisitor throws Ezra into a wall and he drops to the ground, huffing and gulping in huge mouthfuls of air as he attempts to catch his breath.

The inquisitor levitates his lightsaber with the force, the very end of it aiming at my padawan.

He gave it a little push and it shot forward.

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